Page 37 of A Raging Merry Christmas
“I might have to check some other towns,” I admitted.
“Don’t you dare miss the nativity, Ace. I will beat you black and blue,” Artemis threatened.
If any other lady issued that threat, I’d laugh. But my wife could fully keep that promise.
“I’ll be there,” I promised again.
“You better be!” Artemis hung up without another word.
I sighed and leaned against the truck. I had enough for around fifty people, which meant Phoe was going to kill me. Artemis might as well do the job for Phoe.
I’d looked everywhere. And it was a nightmare. I hated crowds, and every single shop was bursting with crowds. Didn’t they have jobs or homes to go to? Our usual butcher had helped me out a lot, but he said Phoe usually ordered well in advance, and he did not have enough. The prospects had warned me to order weeks ago, but I’d ignored them, thinking I knew better. I ran my hand through my hair, ignoring the admiring expressions some woman gave me, and I curled my lip in disgust.
She blanched and scurried away before I realised why. I released a reluctant snicker. I hadn’t been scowling at her but rather at the fact I’d bet my youngest son Lakota that the prospects had a backup plan. They have had for everything else we’d been tasked with. But the hell was I going crawling to prospects to save my ass!
Three hours later… it cost me a marker for each prospect to discover they’d had enough food delivered to feed everyone. The items I’d just purchased were a bonus. I hated those assholes.
I began plotting revenge when I even discovered they had bought carrots and milk to leave out for Santa. Something else I’d had trouble finding!
I was smiling hard. The kids were all out with the adults, having one hell of a snowball fight. Those who’d got fed up were on toboggans and barrelling down the slope happily. There were huge vats of hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. Memories were being made—ones I knew would stay with us the longest.
All of my children were home now. Carmine flying in yesterday, and Tye today. Their women came with them.
I was watching Harley with his new girl carefully; she was a firecracker although it was taking her time to come out of her shell. It was hard to believe that three of my kids had already found their person. Their soulmate. It was unexpected and made me feel old for the first time since I’d taken this crazy family on.
It was worth it. The arguments, Dante and Eddie’s war, Jodie and Serenity with their risqué photo shoots, Harley’s attack, learning how to live in the now. Everything was worth it, leading to this moment, which was perfect. My brothers had their women and families, and we had a legacy. Rage had finally built a future, and I would die to protect that for them all.
I settled back against a tree and let it sink in. I wanted to remember this even as an old man.
To say I was looking forward to this was an understatement. I’d never missed a school nativity play, and to have the kids do one at home was a special moment. Rock, Texas, Manny, and Slick seemed nervous, but I somehow had hope.
Everyone not taking part was in the ballroom where a small stage had been erected. I sat at the front with the old ladies and smiled as Eddie entered, and then my smile disappeared.
Where was her costume? My scowl deepened as Isla and Elijah appeared wearing normal clothes. Murmurs popped up around me as I shot a look at Rock and Texas. Manny and Slick had vanished.
“Where are their costumes?” Artemis hissed, and I saw Rock and Texas frown.
“They needed costumes?” Texas asked Rock, and I sent them a death stare.
“This is the story of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus,” Eddie announced, and I turned my attention back to the kids.
“I’m Mary, and I am married to Joseph, and I’m knocked up,” Isla said, and my mouth dropped open. Grace, just behind me, squeaked in shock.
“My name’s Joseph, and I impregnated my wife,” Elijah added, and I closed my eyes.
“But the problem is, I’m a virgin, and I’ve never done the sexy dance with Joseph,” Isla stated.
“No!” Lindsey murmured.
Keme climbed onto the stage. “What Mary doesn’t know is when we were all in the club partying,” Keme shimmied his hips, and Artemis winced. “Is Joseph slipped her a happy pill, which is why she does not remember?”
“I am going to kill you,” Carly’s voice came from behind me as I glimpsed her glaring at Rock, who was looking at Eddie, horrified.
“But Mary’s parents don’t like us being pregnant so young and kicked us out. Now, we’re trying to find a place Mary can give birth in. We don't have a lot of money, so we can’t go to a hospital,” Elijah said.