Page 17 of The Defenseman
It was easy for Alexa to fall asleep with Eric’s arms coiled tightly around her body, his face pressed into her shoulder blade. She felt content. There was a soreness that was stirring between her thighs, but it was numb more than painful and it was a good reminder what had occurred between them.
So that was sex. That was pleasure.
Tim had been right along—why wait to experience something as amazing as that?
Then again, Alexa didn’t actually know if it would have been the same. Sex was entirely subjective, depending on the partner. And Eric had been the perfect partner.
Deep down, Alexa knew she wasn’t going to go to her grave a virgin. She was lucky Eric had been there to help her with that part of her, to show her what she deserved, what she could have.
A few hours later, she stirred. Her body was flushed with heat. She wanted more. She kissed Eric’s neck, his jaw, his collarbone, until she saw the effect her caresses were having on his body. Without warning, she climbed on top of him. Only then did his eyes snap open. Part of Alexa worried Eric wouldn’t want anything to do with her. They had had sex. That was the whole point of this education she had asked for.
But Eric’s crystal blue eyes were a midnight blue, and his hands gripped Alexa’s waist as though she belonged to him.
It was a different position, but one Alexa wanted to try. She had better access to herself, which meant that while she gyrated against Eric, she could reach between her legs and please herself. All the while, Eric could fondle her nipples and continue to hold on to her as though his life depended on it.
And so it went.
They would fuck, fall asleep, and then wake up to do it all over again—usually, with something different.
When Eric took her from behind, Alexa had never felt more vulnerable and unsure in her whole life. There was a mirror in the bedroom—a way for her to watch him fuck her—and she was transfixed. He was in awe of her, filled with desire and something else. His hands—always rough on her skin—held her firmly in place. Bruises started to form—proof that her body, at least for this night, belonged to him and only him.
It was probably one of her favorite positions—that vulnerability helped her orgasm more powerfully than she had before—and that was saying something.
After their fourth time, Alexa fell deeply asleep. Eric wasn’t too far behind her.
- -
Knocking on the door caused Alexa to wake up. She felt Eric pull away from her to get off the bed, and she was suddenly hit with a cool breeze. She didn’t want him to go. She wanted him to crawl back into bed and hold her. Who was knocking at her door this early—or was it late?—anyway?
Alexa groaned, not able to even open her eyes. She rolled on her back, basking in the sunlight filtering through the window, in a hazy transition between slumber and awakeness. Her body was still buzzing from the night before and her pelvis tingled with a healthy mixture of both pleasure and pain. There was part of her that wanted to pull away, retreat, and let everything sink in. Review what happened and analyze what it meant—if it meant anything at all. The other part wanted to stay in bed, soak up the moment, and do it again.
Sex was amazing. Sex was more than she expected. Sex was…bliss. She couldn’t accurately put it into words but she had missed out. And yet, as she looked back at her decisions, she really hadn’t. Eric was the best partner to introduce her to all of this. Eric showered her with pleasure before showing her how to give it. Eric put her needs before his, and liked it.
The best thing that ever happened to her was Eric. The second-best thing was Tim breaking up with her.
“…been calling her cell and it goes straight to voicemail,” Dan said. “I haven’t been able to reach her in a day. So, I tracked her car, and it’s here. You wouldn’t happen to know where she is, would you?”
Alexa sat straight up in bed. She knew that voice.
What in the hell was Dan doing here? Why was he checking up on her? What the hell did he need from her?
She immediately hopped out of bed and started to look for her clothes. She completely forgot where they ended up. In fact, she barely remembered anything until they starting having sex.
“I never said you could come in here,” Eric said, his voice tight and angry.
Alexa paused. She had never heard Eric get angry before, and was glad she wasn’t at the tail-end of it. She could hear firm footsteps all but stomping to the door, and she did her best to try and make herself decent because she knew Dan was going to rip open that door and see her, and the last thing she wanted was her brother to see her naked.
She had nothing else, so she threw on Eric’s shirt, which went down to the middle of her thighs. Besides that, the only thing she was wearing was underwear.
The door slammed open, and Dan’s eyes immediately found her. Things did not look good. She had clearly spent the night with Eric. Her hair was messy, she had no pants on, and the bed was a tangle of sheets and blankets.
“What the hell, Alexa?” he growled. He went into the room and grabbed her wrist. “I expected better from you.”