Page 34 of A Reputation Dark & Deadly
Chapter 9
"I can go," Brandon said, his eyes on Peyton even though his words were for Logan. "Clearly you guys were in the middle of something. I can" -
"Finish the fucking tour," Logan growled. Peyton could hear the restraint in his voice and she appreciated it. It wasn't Brandon's fault he had run into them indisposed. Maybe he shouldn't have been a smartass about the whole thing but she also knew there were worse things for him to say, like this was typical Logan behavior or that it didn't surprise him that Peyton was this type of girl.
Because she wasn't. Peyton was not the type of girl to get felt up in an old jail cell. In retrospect, it was unique and pretty cool but in hindsight, perhaps it wasn't the smartest thing she had ever done. The problem was, kissing Logan made her lose track of the world around them. She couldn't focus on anyone or anything else. His lips were warm and probing, his tongue curious and passionate. He wanted to learn all he could about the sounds she made, the way she tasted. And she felt the same way about him.
Did it mean anything?
Granted, Peyton knew that kissing was one of his rules, something he had adhered to with everyone else that came before her. Peyton didn't know if this made her special or just stupidly bold. Perhaps the only reason why he hadn't kissed anyone else was because no one had done it first. And while that reasoning was completely juvenile, it made sense for Logan's personality. Despite how arrogant he was, the more she got to know him, the more she realized just how reserved he was. He was intelligent - he knew so much about his niche in miscarriages of justice and just Criminology in general and while she had beaten him in chess, she knew he was a capable opponent. His apartment was relatively bare save for a few dark pieces of furniture. There had been no pictures and it was kept relatively neat and organized. She wondered what he did in his spare time. What did he like to watch on television? What music did he like to listen to? What was his favorite color? It was superficial questions like these that turned Logan Jeffrey from being a monster to a man.
Peyton tried to focus on the rest of the tour but she couldn't. Not only was the kiss running through her mind and making her lips tingle, but she couldn't help but feel awkward around Brandon. She was sure he felt the same way, despite the ease he picked back up the tour with.
Her face turned red just thinking about it. To say she was mortified would be an understatement.
But she didn't regret the kiss.
How could she?
It was perfect, infused with more passion than she had ever expected. She got to make Logan groan and breathe heavy and she felt how badly he wanted her. Her. Even knowing she was a virgin due to her lapse in judgment while she was sick, he knew and still found her desirable. Maybe he saw her as a potential conquest, maybe not, but she found she liked being desired but only by him.
They wound up the tour less than fifteen minutes later, coming to a stop just outside the restrooms located at the front gate. Logan all but excused himself, leaving Peyton alone with Brandon. She couldn't explain it but things got tense between the two of them alone and Peyton wished Logan would hurry up so they could leave and possibly figure out what happened and what it meant for them - if anything. She didn't plan to lose her head - or her heart - over one amazing kiss but she needed to sort this out soon because her brain was already starting to work overtime and overanalyzing anything typically got her into trouble.
"How'd you like the tour?" Brandon asked, a small, seemingly friendly smile on his face.
Peyton glanced up at him, suspicious. After a moment, she allowed herself to smile politely in response. "It was wonderful, thank you," she told him, hoping he knew how sincere she was. "I've been here a couple of times on the self-guided tours but never after hours. It was literally a dream come true!"
Brandon smiled at that. He didn't have the same dimples Logan did - probably a trait he got from his mother then - but it was still a gentle smile that made him look younger.
"You know," he said, taking a step towards Peyton so he was directly in front of her, casually crossing his arms over his chest. "Logan has a reputation with his TA's. I think he gets it from our father. I've never had him bring one of you here before, especially not after hours. I would think he wouldn't want to get the wrong impression."
"He lost a bet," Peyton said with a shrug. "That's all." Her eyes were still focused on Brandon and she watched him take another step towards her. She tensed, not quite sure what to expect.
"I'm sure it's more than that," Brandon said. "The thing is, when we were younger, Logan and I had a thing for the same girls. I'm younger than him, obviously, but his tastes have gotten younger and younger. You know how he is. He's probably twice your age. But I'm not." He took another step forward. "Did you hear how we used to share them?"
"Share who?" Peyton raised a brow, still not backing down.
"Them," Brandon said, as though it was obvious. Then his lips curled into a smirk and he laughed. "You're cute, you know that? We used to share the girls. Logan isn't the type to settle down and he and I would pick girls who were eager and willing to want both of us. Not at the same time, mind you, but when we were finished, we would switch." He took another step forward until he was directly in front of Peyton, staring down at her with a cocky smile on his face.
"Logan doesn't seem to be the type of guy who shares his things," Peyton said in a low voice. "He also doesn't seem to be the type to be fine with sloppy seconds."
Brandon narrowed his eyes in Peyton's direction but he kept his gaze light, the smile still on his face. "You have a mouth on you," he said, cocking his head to the side. "Does he like that?"
Peyton furrowed her brow. "Why are you so concerned with what he likes?" she asked.
Brandon dodged the question. "Listen," he said, "there's an understanding between us regarding women. If they meet me, we share them. That's the way it's always been. The girls were always on the same page. Surely you knew what you were getting into when you agreed to come with him. Why else would he bring you to me?" He cocked his head to the side. "Do you think - do you actually think you're special? That he cares about you in some way? Well, he doesn't. He brought you to me because he had his fun with you - clearly - and now it's my turn. We can go back to Herbert's cell if you'd like, if that's your kink. I don't judge."
He reached down for her, ready to envelop her in his arms. Immediately, Peyton tried to step around him but couldn't quite make it before he hooked onto her arms and pulled her so her lips nearly clashed with his. She managed to jerk away from him just in time so they skimmed the top of her head.
"Okay, girlie," Brandon said, tightening his grip on her. "Maybe Logan likes it when a girl struggles but I sure as hell don't. So quit squirming. Logan said this was okay. Logan said it was fine. Why do you think he left? He's been gone for an unusual amount of time, don't you think? He knows. He knows what's going on with this and he's okay with it."
"You're not trying to kiss Logan," Peyton managed to get out. "You're trying to kiss me and I am most definitely not okay with it."
He reached for her again but Peyton put up her arms and brought her knee up, managing to knee him between his legs. He clutched his crotch and took a moment to steady himself, muttering nasty expletives in her direction. Peyton couldn't hear him though, her entire body was trembling and her ears echoed with the sound of rushing water. Logan had set her up? That didn't sound like him. As much as he frustrated her and he made questionable decisions, she highly doubted he would bring her here so his brother could attempt to have his way with her. Not when he was so adamant about consent.
But why would Brandon lie? And where was Logan? What was taking him so long in the restroom? Maybe he brought her here for Brandon - but that didn't make sense after what had transpired in the cell. Logan was kissing her, really kissing her. His body had reacted to her. He desired her! It made no sense for him to have brought her here and for them to do that only for Logan to pawn her off to his brother. Besides the fact that it was gross and relatively juvenile for a guy like Logan, it didn't seem to fall into line with his character.
Then again, she barely knew him.