Page 18 of Jake
Jake moved back, falling against the tree as Forrest stood up. When he turned, telling him to hold on, Jake moved up behind him. Closing his eyes, waiting for the pleasure pain, he cried out when Jake entered him, filled him with his cock as he stood there.
“Fuck me. Hard.” He wasn’t sure that he was going to; his body seemed stiff as he held him. “Jake, I need this. Please.”
It was slow at first; Jake was taking him gently enough that he knew he was holding back. But then, like a switch had been flipped, he began to fuck him, his cock pistoning in and out as his balls touched his own. Forrest wrapped his hand around his cock again, needing to come when Jake did. But almost as soon as he touched himself, Jake reached around him, wrapping his hot hands around him and moved up and down his shaft in rhythm to his fucking.
He was in heaven and the burning pits of hell at the same time. He wanted to come but also needed to make it last. Then he felt it, felt the exact moment that Jake came, and he cried out with it. Heat filled him. His cat cried out, screaming along his skin as he was marked as well. And just as he was thinking it was enough, just to have Jake be satisfied, his own climax roared over him and took him under when Jake bit hard into his shoulder.
Chapter 8
Jake was giddy one moment and terrified out of his mind the next. He looked over at the man, a man sleeping next to him, and wondered how he’d been so lucky. Smiling, he got up from the bed and made his way to his office. He was too happy to sleep right now.
Forrest had passed out. Jake had thought that he’d killed him. He knew that was just crazy, people didn’t really die from fantastic sex, but it had made him feel like he’d won the bronze, silver, and gold in sex. As he turned on his monitor, he thought of the things that they’d talked about on the way back to the house.
“We’ll have to take it easy.” Jake asked Forrest why. When he laughed, Jake did as well. “What I meant was, we’ll have to move you into this sort of sex slowly. I might be painful for you.”
“Oh.” He had an idea it was going to be very painful, but didn’t care. “I’ve been reading up on it. Also watching videos again. There are a lot of things out there that aren’t so.... Well, like we had, beautiful.”
“Yes. I’ve seen some really nasty stuff. And heard worse.” Forrest took his hand in his as they continued. “If you need answers to the million and one questions I’m sure you have, you can ask me about them. I’m sure that together, we can figure things out. A way that is mutually pleasurable for us both.”
After getting back to the house, they’d gone to bed. Exhaustion took them both under; Jake was out in seconds, and he was sure that Forrest had been as well. It was nice, he thought, just to know that he was not only happy, but in love too. Jake sat at his desk and turned on his computer with a sappy smile on his face.
Pulling up his email account, he saw that there were four from Carol’s father and one from Carol. He pulled out his phone to see if he’d missed something, and saw that he had fifty-three missed calls as well as messages. Pulling up the first message, he opened the first email that he’d been sent and read it as the service went through what he needed to do to hear the messages. Tyler’s voice was the first one that came up.
“There’s been a terrible accident.” Then he sobbed. “Belinda is in the hospital on life support. I don’t know what all has happened but.... Can you call me? I know that we’ve not been on the best of terms, but I really would like to speak to you.”
The second message was a repeat of the first, Tyler asking him to call no matter the time. He also explained a little more, saying that he thought that Carol had hurt her mother and he didn’t know what to do.
Dialing the number that he’d left him, Jake wondered if he’d been correct, that Carol had really hurt her mom bad enough to have her put on life support. By the time the phone had rang three times, Jake was sure he’d misheard him. When Tyler answered, Jake simply said his name and it opened a storm of sobs from the poor man.
“She’s not doing well. They said that she has brain damage. How could she do this to her own mother? We’d talked, Belinda and me, and we decided after the furniture fiasco that we couldn’t have her there much longer. She was rude, Jake. To everyone. I’m so sorry. We made so many mistakes with Carol. And involved you in them.” He cried harder; Jake’s heart was breaking for the older man. “When I got the call, my first thought was that someone broke in, robbed us, you know? Then I came here with the butler, and Williams told me that Carol had left behind her bloodied clothing after doing it.”
“What have the police said, or have you called them?” Tyler said he’d called them first thing after getting there. “Do you know where she is now? Carol, I mean, have you heard from her?”
“No. Not even to tell me that she’s sorry. I have no idea, Jake, not one clue as to what would make her snap like that. Not that it takes all that much. She’s not right, I’m sure you already figured that out.” Jake didn’t want to tell him that he thought Carol was more than a little off, but he seemed to understand. “I was surprised, if you want to know the truth, that you finally kicked her out. Upset at first too. You have no idea how much this has cost me and my wife. So much. I would have thought.... Well, she wasn’t easy to live with as a child, and only got worse as she grew older. I swear, Jake, I had no idea how bad she’d gotten. Like she should have it all just because she thinks she should. I’m so sorry.”
“I’m all right now. I’m very glad to know that you’re not mad at me for this. She did this on her own, but I think it was long in coming, as you said.” Jake looked up when he heard someone clear their throat. It was Forrest. “I’m going to come in there to sit with you. You shouldn’t be doing this alone.”
“Would you?” He told Forrest briefly what was going on. “You have company? I’m so sorry, Jake. I shouldn’t have called whining to you. I just…I really don’t know why I called you. But as soon as I found out, you were the first person that I thought of. I need to talk to you too. Tell you some things you might not be aware of. It’s time…well, past time to get this thing out in the open.”
“I’m not sure this is the time, Tyler, but we’ll be in. Forrest Stout and I, we’ll be there in an hour. And you didn’t whine, you’re a man that has been hurt by his child.” As soon as he made arrangements to go by Tyler’s house and pick up a few things for him that the butler would have ready, he told Forrest what was going on.
“She’s off the reservation, you know that, don’t you?” Jake nodded. “Tyler called you; did he say why?”
“No. Only that he thought of me when he figured out that Carol had done it. I knew she was a little off, but to hurt someone like it sounds like she did is really something I never expected of her. He also mentioned that he had things to tell me. Things to get out in the open. I have no idea what he might mean by that. Did you find anything?” Forrest sat down as he shook his head, and that was when he noticed that he was dressed. “Were you leaving?”
“No. I mean, yes, with you.” Forrest leaned back on the couch. “You should understand something. I should have said something before, but I can feel your emotions, and if I need to, I can touch your mind and see what’s going on. All I knew was you were hurting and I wanted to know why. I hope that’s all right.”
“Yes. It’s fine. I just…I guess you might say that I’m still insecure about this, about us.” Forrest said he was too. “That’s good to know.”
Jake got dressed and they made their way to the hospital. It wasn’t a long trip, but it was a little nerve wracking. Carol had nearly killed her mother. What sort of person did something like that?
Just as they were pulling into the parking lot, Forrest asked him if he thought he should just wait for him to come back.
“Wait? You mean out here? Why would you think that?” Forrest only shrugged. “Are you afraid that he’ll, I don’t know, figure things out? I don’t care if he does or not. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“No, but it could be hard on you later. I’m just saying if you want to play this low key, I understand.” Jake said he wasn’t sure what he wanted but got out of the car. “Jake, people are going to talk.”
“I know that. You think I don’t know that? But right now, I don’t care. I might in an hour or never, but right now, I’m happy being with you and that’s how I’m going to play it. If that’s not what you want, I think you should tell me.” Forrest smiled, a huge grin that seemed to take up most of his face. “What?”