Page 17 of Jake
You know what you’re saying, don’t you? We’ll be ridiculed. What your father said, it will be much worse. I have a feeling that he’s going to make it that way for us.He nodded.Jake, we can move on this slowly.
“I don’t think I want to. I’ve been thinking a great deal about my life. Not just with Carol, but before that. Long before I married or even went to college. I think that I’ve always been a homosexual.” Forrest laid down when Jake sat on a nearby stump. “In high school, even in middle school, I never much cared for women. Not to say that I didn’t admire them, I did. But not for sex, or even for conversation. They were just boring, I thought. Talking about their hair, what they had for dinner. It was like talking to a wall sometimes, one that was covered in mirrors.”
Boring, or did you think you were better than them?Jake asked him what he meant.You came from money. Had a great deal of it. Was the fact that you didn’t want to marry beneath you a part of it, or something more?
“You’re a snob.” They both laughed. “No, not that. Though I think my parents thought that I should have been. No, it was more that I found the boys that I saw more attractive. They were prettier. I liked the way their clothing fit them, shirts molded to their frames. You must think that I’m nuts.”
No, go on. Tell me why you think this. I mean, you have come to this relationship with me very easily, I think. Not much in the way of denial. There was no second guessing things. Tell me why you think this.
“Exactly that. I mean, being in love with you, it was as natural for me as breathing. I didn’t have to think about if you were going to make me happy, if you were going to be there for me. I just knew that you would be.” Forrest asked him if he did love him. “Yes. And I’m happy to say that you’re the only person for me. I’ve never felt this way for anyone before.”
Forrest was stuck on the fact that he loved him. Jake Winslow loved him. When Jake got up to pace, his body stiff with whatever he was thinking, Forrest decided that now would be a good time to come out to him as well.
The first time I realized that I wasn’t like the other kids in my class, I was twelve. It might have been a bit before that, but I knew then, when Sally Ramshaw showed me her breasts. It was.... All I could think about at the time was, it wasn’t what I had thought it would be. And it wasn’t all that sexy.Jake asked him if he thought all twelve-year-old girls had sexy breasts. I don’t know, but Sally had some big ones. She developed long before the other girls in class had. Anyway, she asked me to touch her. Just her breasts. It was like touching a piece of that dough stuff that comes in colors that kids play with.
“Wow, that’s a pretty gross way to put it. I’m hoping you didn’t tell her that.” He said that he’d not. “I’m assuming that after that, you went out to touch more breasts.”
Well, I had to be sure, didn’t I?They were still laughing as Jake sat again. By the time I was fourteen, I was finding my way around the sexual aspects of others. Men mostly, who wanted little boys to give them a thrill. I’m not proud of what I did, but it did make me aware that I wasn’t into boobs or girls.
“There was a study group that I joined. I couldn’t do much in the way of getting any work done at home, so I’d find study partners that I could work with. Carol would want me to take her places, see the things that she purchased that day. Mostly being a pain in the ass. Anyway, I joined this group of men about my age.” Jake looked off into the trees and Forrest waited. He had a feeling that Jake needed to say this more than he wanted him to hear it. “Bill, that was his name, he was sitting next to me in the big library one night when he brushed his leg against mine. It was innocent enough, I guess. Or I thought so until lately. But when I didn’t pull away, he put his hand on my thigh.”
Forrest could see all the emotions on Jake’s face. Embarrassment. Excitement. There was even a little shyness there, just enough that Forrest knew that he was still trying to deal with what the two of them were doing.
“After we finished studying, I headed to the bathroom. I was as hard as stone and confused. But he followed me in there.” Jake said nothing, and Forrest thought it best if he just waited. He really wanted to ask him what had happened. If he’d been all right, but Jake needed to tell it in his own words. “He didn’t rush me. Or for that matter touch me. But he stood there, staring at me. Then, just as I was ready to leave, he rubbed his hand over his cock. He was…he was really hard too.”
As Forrest sat there, not saying anything, all sorts of things went through his mind. Rape, which he dismissed almost immediately. He didn’t seem afraid, just really confused. Blackmail? Also not likely. Forrest thought he would have taken care of that immediately. Or Jenna would have.
“He took his pants down. His cock was hard and leaking at the tip, and all I could think about was tasting what was there. Freeing my own seemed the most natural thing to do. And as we stood there, each of us holding our cocks, I felt free.” Jake got up to pace again, walking back and forth gently, as if he was lightening up with each word he said. “When he came I did as well. My balls ached, they’d been so full, and when his cum touched me, just on my belly, I came a second time.”
Did he say anything to you? Touch you in any way afterwards?Jake said no, it hadn’t been like that.What was itlike?
“I’m not sure. A mutual understanding that this was a one-time thing? That we were just getting off because we needed it? I don’t know. But it was as if we understood each other on another level.” He laughed a little. “The next time I saw him, he ignored me. I did the same to him. It was as if we had agreed that it hadn’t happened. But you know what? I was sort of sad about that as well. Like I’d been left out of something.”
He turned around then. Forrest thought he looked sad or just lonely, both emotions that he knew so well. And when he pulled his shirt up and over his head, Forrest stood up as well.
The shift from cat to man was quick. He stood there, naked, and thought of what they were about to embark on here. Not like in the hospital. That had been born of desperation, of a need that had nothing to do with sex and more to do with just the necessity to be held. At least that was what he’d felt. But now…now, here with Jake in the darkening woods, both of them on the same page, Forrest felt as if this was going to be their first time.
Jake kicked off his shoes, toeing them off as he held onto the tree behind him. Forrest could see his cock was thick; even through his open pants. Stepping closer, just enough to touch, Jake moaned.
“I’ve thought of nothing else but having you touch me. Tasting your skin. Feeling your heart beating under my fingers.” Forrest touched Jake’s throat, ran his fingers down his chest to his muscled belly. “I need to taste you, Jake. Will you let me?”
“Yes. Oh yes, please.”
Forrest dropped to his knees in front of Jake. His body smelled delicious, his skin dewy from need. Licking a path from his navel to his hip, he thought his need was almost equal to his own.
Nipping at his skin, Forrest had to make himself slow down, to take his time at this. He also wanted it to be perfect. When Jake curled his fingers through his hair, he looked up at him and nearly came then.
Raw emotion. Love and happiness. Need and desire. Forrest laid his head on his belly and watched him as he slid his hand up his thigh to his balls. Holding them, rolling gently, all he could think about was that Jake was his.
Taking him into his mouth was heaven. Jake was thicker than he was, but not as long. When he swallowed him past the back of his throat, he heard him moan again, his breath catch. Encouraged now, Forrest rolled his tongue around the curve of his cock, along the length of him when he pulled free. The more he tasted of him, the more that he wanted.
“Suck me.”
He did as commanded, moving up and down over his shaft quickly. Jake rode his mouth, hard pounding strokes that had Forrest holding his hips so he’d not come unseated. His own cock was heavy with the need to release.
Sliding his fingers along Jake’s ass, he touched his fingers to his tight hole. Jake paused but didn’t stop him when Forrest pushed forward, just enough to feel his heat. And when he slid past the tight muscles there, Jake screamed.
His cum filled Forrest’s mouth, slid down his chin to his chest as he pounded him. Forrest grabbed his own cock, fisting himself. When Jake cried out again, screaming out his name, Forrest pulled back, let the hot cream of him spray over his face and chest.