Page 128 of Torn
“Were my parents like that, too?” I ask, starting to feel sick. If my parents were in a relationship like that, it would ruin everything I believed about them.
He wraps a thick white towel around me and pulls me to him. “Hell no. Your parents were completely committed to each other. Asher hasn’t touched a woman in years even though Sydni has done everything but beg on her knees to blow him.”
I breathe a sigh of relief but I’m still nauseous thinking abouthow Sydni has been chasing my father—her best friend’s husband, on top of sleeping with other men when she could’ve had Tor. She’s worse than I thought.
“I’m sorry, Kenz. I shouldn’t be talking like this. Sometimes I forget that he’s not just my friend, but he’s also your dad.”
“It’s okay. You can talk to me about anything. I just don’t understand why Sydni would do that when she had you.”
“Variety, fun, excitement, riding different dicks. Who the hell knows.” He shrugs but it’s obvious her behavior has hurt him.
“You don’t ever have to worry about that with me, Tor. I don’t care if I’m eighteen or fifty. I’ll never want anyone but you.”
He swoops me up into his arms, kissing me as he carries me to his bed. My head falls to the side and my gaze lands across the room as his lips tickle my neck. It takes me a moment to register what’s different about his room today, and then it comes into clear view. The glass jug, the one that’s been filled with coins for as far back as my memory goes, is now empty.
The engagement ring family tradition.
It seems like a lifetime ago when he told me about the tradition, but in fact, it’s only been two years. I distinctly remember the unexpected feelings of jealousy that crept over me at the time, picturing him with some lucky woman who would become his wife someday, and secretly wishing it could be me.
My arms tighten around him, his body still hot from the shower, as his lips move over my bare skin.
Could it really be me? Or am I living a temporary dream on borrowed time?
Tor—age twenty-two
Ember—age twenty-two
“Did you tell him yet?” I ask her softly. Her breathing is soft and even in the dim room next to me, but I know she’s awake.
“Not yet.”
I turn on my side and prop my head up on my arm.
“You have to tell him, Em.”
“I know… I just don’t want to hurt him. I don’t think he’ll understand.”
I reach across the bed and touch her hand. “He loves you. He’ll understand. Trust me, he just wants you to be happy.”
“I know… but I’m afraid he’ll think it’s like I’m leaving him in a way.” She lets out a shaky sigh. “And I’m not. I just want to do my own thing. I’m always going to be Asher’s wife in Ashes & Embers. They think of me as a backup singer. People don’t see me as anything else. In my own band, I’ll be me.” She turns her head toward me. “Does that make sense?”
“It does. You have to do what’s good for you, Ember. You can’t just be Asher’s wife and Kenzi’s mom. You have to be you, too. You’re an amazing singer, and I think your own band will do awesome. An all-girl rock band is fuckin’ kick-ass. I think he’ll be proud of you.”
“I hope so.”
Sitting up, I squint at the digital clock next to their bed. It’s almost 5:00 p.m.
“Do you feel any better?” I ask. Earlier today she got sick to her stomach, became dizzy, and then fell in the kitchen. She’s sure it’s just the flu, but she asked me to stay with her while she rested in bed in case she felt sick again. Asher’s away for the weekend with his dad, but when I wanted to call him to let him know she was sick, she made me promise not to so he wouldn’t rush home.
“A little bit. Just tired.”
“You keep resting. I’ll make Kenzi some grilled cheese and keep her busy until bedtime. I’ll check on you in a little while. Okay?”
“I know I say this a hundred times a week, but I don’t know what we’d do without you. You’re always so good to us. Our other husband.” She smiles at the joke and rolls over onto her side to sleep.
We have this joke where Ash and Ember call me their other husband. Usually it’s funny.