Page 102 of Torn
“I know that, and I want to believe it. You have no idea how much I want to.”
She sighs, the tiny vein in her temple throbbing in frustration over my doubts, but I can’t lie to her. I’m not at a stage in my life where I want to go through a fling or deal with indecision several months down the road.
“Did you bring our pennies?” she questions.
I grin and let go of her hand reluctantly to dig into my front pocket, taking out the two coins I brought with me.
“Of course I did.”
“Can we do something different this time?”
She takes one of the pennies from me. “Let’s wish for the same thing at the same time. Then hopefully it will come true.” Her eyes glimmer with hope just like they did when she was a little girl and would talk about exciting things that she couldn’t wait to see or do. One of the things I’ve always loved most about her is her never-ending hope and positive outlook that she inherited from her father.
“I like that idea. What are we going to wish for?”
“To live happily ever after. Together.”
A hard lump forms in my throat at the realization that there isn’t anything in this universe—wishes or otherwise—that’s going to allow that dream to come true. I’m most likely going to be the first guy to break her precious heart, even though that’s the last thing I ever want to do. Maybe this was my role all along… to be the one to make her feel everything for the first time, both good and bad. Maybe I’m supposed to guide her through life and do my best to lessen all the blows for her. Maybe I’m her safety net.
“We’re not a fairy tale, Kenzi.”
Her hand clenches around the penny defiantly. “Wecanbe, Tor. You just have to believe in it enough.”
“Real life doesn’t work that way. I wish it did, believe me. I want that more than I’ve ever fuckin’ wanted anything.”
“Then just do it,” she begs. “For me?”
Of course. I’d do anything for her. So I agree.
We toss our two tarnished pennies into the water while we stand on the edge of the river, holding on to each other’s hands for dear life and wishing(make that begging)to live happily ever after. Together.
I didn’t realize when we first sat down that this is the exact place where her own parents’ fairy tale ended, or I never would’ve brought their daughter here.
Kenzi—age fourteen
Tor—age twenty-nine
“Kenzi Valentine?”
I look up from the test I’m taking at the woman standing at the door of my classroom saying my name. I recognize her as working in the principal’s office.
“Can you come with me?” she asks when we make eye contact.
“Um… okay.”
The other kids in my class watch me as I shove my book in my backpack and grab my bag, some of them whispering as I make my way through the desks to the door. My teacher takes my test from me as I near her desk.
“Don’t worry about the test, Kenzi. You can make it up.”
“Is something wrong?” I ask the woman as soon as I get out into the hall. “Did I do something?”
“No, nothing like that. Your aunt and uncle are here.”
My aunt and uncle?