Page 82 of Dark Princess: Shadows
"Of course, Clan Mother." He finished pouring the tea and then retreated to the kitchen.
"Thank you." Morelle pressed her hand to her belly again. "I didn't realize that I was hungry."
"I should have thought of that," Brandon said. "I'm not a very good caregiver."
Morelle cast him a reproachful look. "I'm not a child, Brandon."
"Oh, I know that you are not a child and thank the Fates for that."
Morelle looked confused while Annani laughed. "Oh, Morelle. There is so much you are about to learn about the way we use language here and all the cultural references that are lost on you. What Brandon meant was that he sees you as a desirable female. He is glad that you are old enough for him to pursue. It was a compliment."
"A strange one, that's for sure." Morelle frowned at Brandon. "Do I look so young that it might be confusing?" She lifted herhand to her head and touched the fuzzy growth. "It's because of this. I look different with hair."
"It was just a bad joke," Brandon said. "Forget that I said it."
Thankfully, Ogidu returned with plates of small sandwiches, fruit, and cheese, and Morelle got distracted by the food.
Annani cast Brandon a knowing look, and in response he lifted his hands in defeat.
Falling in love was difficult, and even an experienced male like Brandon was faltering. It was much easier to feign confidence when the stakes were not as high as impressing the one person that he hoped to spend eternity with.
Did Morelle feel the same toward him, though?
It was hard to tell. Her sister was a mix of contradicting traits, and Annani was eager to get to know her.
Was she also harboring a deadly talent like her twin brother's?
Once Morelle had filled her belly with a few of the small canapés, she wiped her lips with a napkin and put it down. "My stomach seems to be able to process only tiny quantities of food at a time, and Bridget told me to listen to my body and not to try to push it."
"That is natural, my dear. Your stomach has not been active for a very long time. You need to be patient."
"I'm not a patient person by nature, but I will try." Morelle drummed her fingers on her knee, looking anything but patient. "While we wait for Ell-rom and Kian, perhaps you could tell me about our father? I realize that it might not be a comfortablesubject for you, but it might be better to get this story out of the way."
"It happened a very long time ago." Annani sighed. "The pain has dulled, though when you lose a loved one, it never truly goes away." She had wanted to wait, to let Morelle grow stronger before burdening her with this knowledge, but she could see the determination in her sister's eyes. Morelle would not rest until she knew everything.
"Perhaps my reluctance to tell you the story has to do with my part in the gods' demise and the guilt I feel to this day."
Morelle was taken aback. "What happened?"
"I did not want to mate the god my father chose for me, and I fell in love with another. My Khiann, my one and only, my fated mate."
Ell-rom stood at another unfamiliar intersection, frustration mounting as he realized he'd gotten turned around again. The paths in this section of the village all looked the same to him, lined with identical manicured shrubs and the occasional bench.
His mind had been so preoccupied with worry for Jasmine and excitement about Morelle that he'd barely paid attention to where he was going, and his sense of direction wasn't great.
What had happened to the Guardians who were supposed to be watching him? Had Kian dismissed them? Or were they hiding in the perfectly trimmed bushes, amusing themselves by watching him wander in circles?
The sound of gravel crunching under wheels made him step aside to let a golf cart pass, but instead of continuing on, it slowed to a stop beside him.
"Get in," Kian said from the driver's seat. "I was late too, so I grabbed the cart."
Relief flooded through Ell-rom as he climbed in beside his nephew. The relationship still felt strange. He was an uncle to someone who had much more life experience than him and led a community with natural authority. "No bodyguards?"
"Don't need them in the village." Kian guided the cart around a curve.