Page 81 of Dark Princess: Shadows
"Do you have anyone in mind who can head the new division?"
"My first thought was Arwel, but I can't do that to the guy. It would break him. We need someone more emotionally resilient."
"Turner would have been great if we could persuade him to close his private operations. He doesn't get emotional, and he can deal with shit that would devastate anyone else."
"Good luck with that," Onegus said. "You've dangled better positions in front of him, and he didn't bite. We need someone else."
"Make a list of potential candidates, and we will go over them together."
"Will do, boss." Onegus ended the call.
Kian's earlier good mood had thoroughly evaporated.
If the Doomers had indeed moved into trafficking children, it represented a new level of depravity even for them. But it made tactical sense. What better way to control powerful people than to have evidence of their worst crimes?
Spending a night with a prostitute was no longer a big deal, and holding evidence of that over someone's head was not enoughleverage. Sex with minors, especially really young ones, though, was enough to ruin someone's life.
That was powerful leverage.
"Thank you for welcoming me into your home," Morelle said as she walked into Annani's arms, bending down to kiss her cheek.
She was nearly as tall as Amanda and was even skinnier, which Annani resolved to remedy.
She took a step back to give her sister another once-over. "You look wonderful."
Annani was delighted to see Morelle looking so well so soon. Her sister was still recuperating, though. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she was still much too thin, but there was vitality in her gaze, and the outfit Brandon's shopper had chosen for her was absolutely perfect. It was elegant and comfortable, suitable for all-day wear, and it fit nearly any occasion.
"I knew I was right to let Brandon handle your wardrobe." She took Morelle's hand and led her to the couch. "Since I absolutely detest pants, I would have chosen dresses, but this suits you perfectly." She turned to Brandon. "Thank you for doing this for Morelle. Naturally, I will cover the expenses you incurred."
Brandon, who was about to sit down on one of the armchairs, froze midway, looking like she had slapped him, and Annani immediately regretted making the offer.
"It was my pleasure to provide for Morelle, Clan Mother. Please don't deprive me of it." He lowered himself into the armchair.
Annani was a little saddened that Morelle would not be a candidate for her companion. It seemed that the Fates had already paired her with Brandon. On the other hand, she was happy for her sister. Finding her fated mate was much more important than keeping Annani company.
"Lunch is ready." Annani patted Morelle's hand. "But we are waiting for Kian and Ell-rom to arrive. In the meantime, we can have tea." She lifted her hand, signaling for Ogidu.
"Right away, Clan Mother." He bowed and rushed into the kitchen.
"I didn't know that Kian and Ell-rom were coming," Morelle said. "Ell-rom didn't mention it when we spoke at the clinic."
"That is because it was decided after you left with Brandon." She smiled. "I wanted to invite the entire family, but Kian wisely pointed out that Syssi and Amanda are at the university today and that we shouldn't overwhelm you with too many relatives at once."
Morelle returned a sheepish smile. "It has been a very full day, but after seven thousand years of slumber, I feel like I have to keep moving and experiencing to compensate for lost time."
"Oh dear." Annani patted Morelle's hand again. "You are immortal. You do not need to rush to do anything."
"I know." Morelle sighed. "And I'm far from being at my best, but I have this feeling inside that is propelling me to keep going." She touched a hand to her belly.
"You are hungry," Annani said as Ogidu returned with the tea service.
Morelle nodded. "Yes, I am hungry for experiences."
Annani chuckled. "You are also hungry for food. Your body is still rebuilding itself after the long stasis, and you need more than just tea." She turned to her Odu. "Ogidu, please bring out some appetizers."