Page 64 of Richard
“I don’t want to come, not yet. Tonight is yours, and I want to lavish all my attention on you.”
“That’s not fair.” She murmured as he shifted so that he was hunkered over her.
“I decide what’s fair.” Using his free hand, he covered a breast, loving the feel of her large nipple. His manhood was stiff and throbbing, almost painful, but he was determined to continue.
Bending his head, he crushed his lips over hers, tongue sliding over her bottom lip and alternately nibbling the soft flesh until she felt as if she was going to burst with need.
“Hmm?” he kissed the seams of her lips, nudging them apart so that the tip of his tongue entered the sweetness of her mouth. He grappled with her tongue, leisurely exploring her mouth, stroking her teeth, his tongue touching hers and withdrawing before plunging in again.
She tugged at his hold on her wrists; the need to touch him was so fierce that she could barely stand it.
Her body bucked and heaved as he continued to hammer at her senses. White-hot darts of flames were licking at her, threatening to consume her. She who had thought she was passionless, was now experiencing something so intense, she was being swallowed whole.
He finally ended the kiss, only to press his lips on her lids, her cheeks, the tip of her nose, and move to the hollow of her throat. He licked the skin, nibbling, biting, and pulling the flesh between his teeth.
He had made love to her countless times since their first time in his office, but it’s as if the change in their status made him want to put his stamp on her.
He had been having sex since he was thirteen and had honed his skills over the years. Tonight, he put out all the stops, determined to use everything he had learned on her.
By the time he captured a nipple between his teeth, Collette was a quivering mass of pure nerve endings.
“Please!” she gasped. “Let me touch you.”
He released her hands, and she dug her fingers into the thickness of his hair.
His tongue adored the indentation of her navel, swirling and dipping, leaving it with moisture. Her stomach was quivering, body arching toward his mouth. A sob escaped her when he kissed the hairs covering her sex.
“Richard,” she breathed, fingers flexing on his shoulders. Her body arched clear off the bed when he slid his fingers between the folds of her sex. His tongue—just the tip of it, played with the mound while he inserted a finger to discover her dewy moisture that was telling him how ready she was for his entry.
Cupping her bottom, he lifted her toward him, his tongue plunging deep into her, wringing a soul-shattering climax fromher that had her body lifting and twisting out of control.
Before she had even recovered, he was on top of her, sliding into her in one deep, smooth movement. Cradling her face between his hands, he stared at her, eyes taking in the sheen of moisture on her face, the brightness of her eyes, and the tear sliding down one cheek.
Bending his head, he captured the single tear with his tongue.
He was throbbing, pulsating inside her, his lean body going rigid in order to prolong the pleasure. He knew that as soon as he moved, it would be all over for him.
His lips took hers in a soul-searching kiss, and he moved then, his hips undulating slowly at first. When her legs came up around his waist, he increased the pace. Her hands were restless, leaving his shoulders to his back and then digging into his hair.
His mouth filled hers, the kisses turning turbulent. The climax claimed her again, the sweet sensations racing through her bodylike a tidal wave.
He felt his own body tightening, his blood roaring in his ears. Gripping her hips, he turned her sideways, his stroke sure and long and deep. He came then, flooding her with his seed, his body shuddering, his heart pounding until it drowned everything else.
When it was finished and his heartbeat quieted down somewhat, he turned on his side and brought her with him, hands cradling her against his chest.
Collette was still trembling, her breath coming in gasps against his fevered skin. She was married to this very wonderful and passionate man who had taught her so much, taught her to love her body and how to accept pleasure and give it in return.
His hand came up to massage the back of her neck, his fingers curving around her throat as he brought her head up. His green gaze searched her face, expression gentle.
“My love.”
Tears gathered at the back of her eyes, and she blinked them away.
“Richard.” His name on her lips was more eloquent than spoken words of love and had him kissing her again. Sweet Christ, he couldn’t get enough of her!
“I should let you get some sleep.” His voice was gruff with emotions and tempered with regret.