Page 63 of Richard
Shrugging off the robe, he stood there naked and proud, his erection full and throbbing.
“Come here, baby," he whispered lowly.
She came walking toward him, every step intent on driving him insane. She stopped when she was right in front of him.
“However much you paid for this, it’s worth every penny.”
“Good, because I put it on your account.” Her smile was tremulous.
“Money well spent.” He caressed her nipples through the sheer material, his eyes getting glassy as he watched them react to his touch.
“Are we just going to stand here?” she asked breathlessly.
“For a minute, yes. I want to look at my bride. Admire the woman I am irrevocably in love with.” He peeled off the straps and worked the material over her hips.
“My wife.”
“My husband.” He felt a jolt when she closed her fingers around his hot shaft.
“It’s time.” Lifting her into his arms, he carried her to the bedand laid her on the pillows almost reverently.
Sliding the sheets down, he settled in next to her, green eyes wandering over her face.
“When I was exchanging my vows, I could not believe I was finally marrying you. I thought I was dreaming.”
Her hands settled on the hairs curling on his chest, smiling when his muscles leaped reflexively. “That’s my line. I often wonder since I met you if this was just a dream and I am going to wake up and find that you are gone.”
“I am here to stay.”
“Make love to me,” her voice was aching, her body turned toward him eagerly.
“That’s what I am doing. With my eyes first and then my hands.” He cupped a breast.
“And my mouth will follow. I intend to take my time.”
“We have all night.”
He only grunted in agreement. He was fascinated with her skin tone. One night, after a strenuous hour of lovemaking, she had told him about her parents. “Mama was beautiful, Janice looks like her.” Her tone had been wistful, telling him how much she had been reminded that she was not the beauty in the family.
“They adored her, of course. She was beautiful and witty and always made them laugh. I was the serious one, and even though I tried to do everything to please them, it was never enough.”
He had roughly told her that she was more than enough for him.
Tonight, he was going to love her until she knew how much she was valued.
“You have a beauty spot here.” His fingers trailed over a black mole at the base of her neck.
“Or a flaw?” she whispered, gasping when he bent his head to tongue the mark.
“Does that answer your question?” he rasped.
“Yes.” She turned into him, fingers gliding over his chest and touching his small nipple.
“No.” Taking her hands in his, he braceleted them and pulled them over her head.