Page 42 of Giorgio
She was pathetically glad that he had dropped by after the function. When he called to ask if she was available, she had readily said yes. Even though he was the one paying all the expenses, he never took it for granted that he could just drop by. He always called first.
Alfredo found comfort in her arms. She was selfless in her lovemaking. He knew she was in love with him, but he could never return her feelings. His heart had died with Maria. He cared for Viola and there was a certain passion in their lovemaking, but the love of his life had gone before him, and he couldn’t love another.
But he could talk to her, and she was undemanding. She was also very discreet.
“How is the young lady?” She was cradled in his arms, and this was exactly where she wanted to be. She did not dare ask him if he was spending the night but had been happy when he confided in her what had taken place with Giorgio.
“Coming along nicely.” His hand caressed the small of her back absently. Giorgio had told him that he was having dinner with her on the balcony. “I think he is getting attached.”
“You did say she lost her memory?”
“She has. I don’t see a favorable outcome.”
“It might turn out that they end up together.” She wanted to say she was hoping for a happy ending with him, but wisely kept her mouth shut. She had a feeling that the reason he was with her for the extended period was because she never demanded anything more than he could give.
“Giorgio is not the faithful type,” he said gruffly. “He is my son, but he is entitled and spoilt.”
“You also said he is changing,” she reminded him. Her fingers made forays through his chest hairs, and she could feel the quickening of his heart.
“It would seem that way.” He commented thoughtfully. “He no longer parties and has not been out of the country since the incident. He is also showing up at the office and making his contribution.”
“Which is a good thing.”
“Hmm.” A frown touched his brow. “I happen to like the young lady. She is very likable.”
“But you are worried that your son is going to break her heart.” She surmised.
“Yes.” He sighed deeply. “I have seen them together and I realize where it is going. I have warned him to stay away from her, but I have a feeling that is not going to happen.”
Chapter 9
Her meal was brought upstairs to her, a sumptuous array of pasta and finger food. Layered Italian crescent ring, vegetable pizza, Minestrone soup and desserts so rich, she knew she would gain a few pounds more.
She ate halfheartedly, not doing full justice to the effort made by the caterers. Lucia had been brimming with excitement as she reported the happenings in the ballroom.
But Juliana had seen the sweep of headlights from her window, the valets hired to park the vehicles. She had even caught glimpses of the guests, women wearing stunning gowns and men looking dapper and wearing masks.
From up here, she could not hear the music playing or hear the laughter and clink of utensils. He had not been to see her for two whole days. Oh, he had called to check on her and had told her some flimsy excuses about being busy and in and out. She had dined alone both nights, feeling depression taking hold of her.
She needed him, which was dangerous. He was not hers to need. But she missed the conversations, the light repartee, the intimacy, the easy way they could relate to each other.
And she was jealous. She was here torturing herself, wondering who his date was. He had invited her out of pity, that was it. She was here because of something he did, and he had been polite and courteous. He had also undressed her, putting on her nightgown. Obviously, seeing her naked had not had any effect on him.
Why should it? She thought despondently. He was accustomed to seeing exceptionally beautiful women and she was far from being one.
Her brother had tried to persuade her to come home, and she had fed him the usual story. The doctors did not want her leaving just yet.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” He demanded.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know Jules. Is something going on between you and Russo?”
She had laughed at that. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Be careful of him.”