Page 41 of Giorgio
“He loved her very much.”
“He did.” He realized he was still holding her hand and did not want to let go. It felt like the most natural thing in the world.
“Tired?” He asked when she stifled a yawn.
“A little.”
“You should have said something,” he chided.
“I was enjoying myself.”
“By just sitting here? You are a strange one.”
“I am starting to believe I am. I am picturing this room filled with people. The women wearing expensive gowns in jewel colors and dazzling stones at their throats and lobes. Drinking champagne and a live band playing on the stage”
Her expression turned dreamy as she unconsciously rested her head on his shoulder. He went still at that and could hardly breathe. “I think it’s going to be a great party.” She stifled a yawn again.
“Let’s get you to bed.” He said briskly. Picking her up in his arms, he strode out of the room with her snuggled against him.
“I think I drank too much wine.”
“You only had two glasses.” He reminded her.
“One too many.” Closing her eyes, she inhaled his expensive cologne and snuggled closer.
“What for?”
“For tonight. I had so much fun.”
“So did I,” he replied gruffly.
Holding her with one arm wrapped around her slender body, he removed the coverlet and placed her on top of the mound of pillows and just sat there staring at her. She was fast asleep, her lashes making shadows on her cheeks.
And he had a definite problem. He could either leave her as she was, in the fancy dress or remove it and put the nightgown on that had no doubt been left at the foot of the bed by one of the maids.
He sat there debating the problem for a full five minutes, before deciding to get it over and done with. Taking a deep breath, he turned her slightly away from him to get to the hidden zipper. Pulling it down slowly, he felt his breath caught inside his throat as he noticed bare flesh, indicating that she had not bothered with a bra.
Turning her back around, he eased the dress off her and pulled it over her hips and then her legs, carefully averting his gaze from the cream lace of her panties.
Tossing the dress at the foot of the bed, he picked up the nightgown and was about to pull it over her head when her small pert breasts caught his attention.
Desire flooded his body with the force of a tidal wave and had him panting. For a few minutes, he was paralyzed, the scrap of material clenched in his fist. Saliva pooled inside his mouth and the urge to just bend his head and take a nipple betweenhis teeth was so strong that he actually started to do so, before catching himself.
Swearing ripely in Italian, he put the nightgown over her head and dragged the covers over her, before stumbling to his feet.
His raging erection was making things extremely uncomfortable for him. He stood there for a few more minutes, torturing himself before turning on his heels and making his way out. He did not stop until he was in his bedroom.
As soon as he entered, he started stripping down to bare skin. His flesh was feverishly hot, his body pulsing with an awareness that made him dizzy.
This was new to him. In the past, if he wanted a woman, it was returned. There would be the removal of their clothing, and the act would be consummated.
Now he was faced with a situation that had him suffering from a thirst that was not quenched. He wanted her. It was that simple. But he could not touch her.
“Cristo!” he swore ripely as he made his way into the bathroom. A cold shower would have to do. Combined with several glasses of scotch, it might help to take the edge off his hunger. This was getting ridiculous now, he thought angrily.
He was going to have to do his bloody best to stay away from her. He was torturing himself for no reason at all. Dragging his fingers through his hair, he hit the button and stepped under the nozzle.