Page 18 of Bratva King's Secret Twins
“Mercy! Mercy!” I gasp, but Kelsey’s only response is an evil grin as she keeps tickling. My laughter becomes breathless, and I can feel my stomach churning. “Kelsey, stop! I’m going to?—”
I can’t finish my sentence as a wave of nausea washes over me. Panic flares, and I wriggle free with a sudden burst of strength, bolting towards the bathroom.
“Gwen?” David calls after me, concern lacing his voice, but I’m already halfway down the hall, pushing the bathroom door open and making it to the toilet just in time.
Kelsey’s laughter fades behind me as I retch, my stomach heaving. I hear David’s footsteps approaching, and a moment later, his hand is on my back, rubbing soothing circles as I empty my stomach.
“Gwen, are you okay?” he asks gently.
I nod weakly, resting my forehead on the cool edge of the toilet seat. “Yeah, you two deserve each other.”
Kelsey appears in the doorway, her eyes wide with guilt. “Gwen, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to?—”
I wave her off, still catching my breath. “It’s okay, Kelsey. Just a little…sensitive today.”
David’s brow furrows, and he glances at Kelsey before looking back at me. “Sensitive, you’re like the least sensitive person I know.” Kelsey smacks the back of David’s head, and I elbow him in the rib. “Ow! I meant, you can stomach anything.”
“Gwenie.” Kelsey kneels next to me on the bathroom floor and flushes the toilet for me. “What do you mean by sensitive? Did your book boyfriend hurt you? Do I need to kill him?”
I take a deep breath, shaking my head, on the edge of the toilet seat. “No, I’ve been feeling off for a few days now. Nausea, fatigue and my breast hurt.”
“Maybe we should go to the hospital.” Kelsey starts to get up and drags me with her, but I pull her back down. “I mean, you said a few days so that it could be-”
“You know my period always makes me ill.” I wave her off.
Kelsey gets into complete boss mode. “Oh, you’re on your period! Okay, so let’s get you a heating pad, and David, you’re on the couch tonight and-”
“No, no, I don’t have my period yet. It’s like a week late.” I brush her off. Kelsey huffs, leaning against the cabinet and David walks away towards the kitchen, reappearing with a glass of water in his hand.
“Sounds like you’re pregnant.” David shrugs, leaning against the door. “Hey when my sister was pregnant I was the only one who knew!” I roll my eyes because sometimes stress, like paying off a quarter million to a gang who keeps threatening your life, would possibly make my period a little late. “The club has been stressing me out, that's all.”
“Stress totally makes sense because if you were pregnant that would mean you lost your virginity, and you would have totally told me,” Kelsey nods in agreement.
I lean up and grab the glass of water out of David’s hand. “Well, about my virginity-”
Kelsey pops up, her eyes doing that crazy thing again, ripping them from that Everclear green to dark mossy green. “You are painting me a portrait of this man, stark naked.”
“I’m right here.” David points at himself smirking, but Kelsey just kisses him on the forehead and rolls her eyes. I sip the water, urging the liquid to calm my nerves.
“You used a condom, right?” Kelsey raises her eyebrows at me, but I just shake my head no.
“What can I say? Heat of the moment.” I blush, and David chuckles as my cheeks turn a level of crimson I didn’t even know was possible.
Kelsey’s jaw drops, and she looks like she’s about to explode. “Gwen, you didn’t use protection?”
I shrug, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. “It was a moment of weakness, okay?”
Kelsey looks around the bathroom, and her eyes light up. “Hold on.” She stands up and opens a drawer, rummaging through it until she pulls out a small box. “I thought I sawone of these in here. You never know when you might need it.”
I stare at the box in her hand. “You keep a pregnancy test in my bathroom?”
Kelsey shrugs, glancing at David. “You never know when you might need it,” she repeats with a smirk.
David winks, then winces when I elbow him again. “Hey!”
“All right, let's get this over with,” I mutter, taking the box from her.
Kelsey and David exit the bathroom but hover by the door, peeking in anxiously as I read the instructions and follow the steps. After placing the test on the counter, we wait, my heart pounding.