Page 73 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
“Okay,” she said grumpily, settling back in front of the TV with her half-empty bowl of popcorn and a shitty movie. “I’m sleeping next to you tonight, right? You won’t spend all night working again?”
I’d done it the previous three days, just buried myself in fucking research, trying to find more dirt on who I now believed was the man who had abused her. Of course, I couldn’t have told her that, so I fobbed her off with lies of an important deadline coming up at work. And she ate it all up, even though she spent several hours a day sulking because of it.
“I’ll come sleep with you,” I promised her, kissing the top of her pretty purple hair. “But don’t wait up for me, Pet.”
She blew me a kiss as I left, and I spent the next few hours buried in something I really shouldn’t have in my possession.
I’d sent someone to Pet’s parents place when they were out. I made sure they’d never even notice the break-in. There was only one thing I wanted, and it was the old computer in her childhood bedroom.
I’d spent the last few days digging through so many old messages, history and files, I felt myself going insane from the absolute overload of information. It felt like I was getting to know a different girl, definitely not my sweet Pet.
This girl was her complete opposite. She was nasty at times, almost a mean girl. Other times she was painfully insecure, sweet and needy at the same time. And all of those emotions seemed to rely so very heavily on a single person I’d managed to track down through her computer.
She used a messaging program that had since gone out of style, but the records of her conversations were all still there on her computer. I read through all of them – well, I’d tried to. I’d gotten pretty far, but sleep had gotten the better of me, and I still couldn’t let my girl know exactly what I was doing. So I lied smoothly and spent every free moment I had reading that shit.
She was talking to someone who went to the same school as her almost every night. Apparently, they were both part of a forum her high school set up, and Pet – who was quiet on the boards and barely posted – found this guy’s email and started messaging him back and forth without having any idea who he really was.
I found the whole story weird as fuck. She messaged him out of the blue replying to a joke he’d made on the forums, and over the course of weeks and then months, they’d developed a strong friendship with an obvious crush from Pet’s side. She flirted clumsily, and the guy poked fun at her for it. It was obvious her friend was a man from the way he spoke. He sent her pictures, but none of himself, and over time, the secret of who he was seemed to cause a bit of a rift between them.
I knew as much as she did – he was older. I realized he must’ve gone to school a few years before her, not at the same time, sooner than Pet did. But that didn’t make sense with the timeline she’d given me.
She’d said the guy raped her when she was just a kid, so he must’ve been older than her. I couldn’t make sense of things.
At first, I dismissed the messages as unimportant. Until I realized she’d recognized the guy at some point and completely severed any contact with him.
I looked at her emails after that, and found him messaging her there. Over and over again. And that’s when I realized what the bastard had done to her.
Sapphire, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to tell you – I was worried you still remembered. Please talk to me.
SR! I’m so sorry. I’m not like that anymore, I swear. We were kids when it happened. Why are you so hung up about it?
Sapph, you need to talk to me. Don’t be a nasty little bitch about this.
Bitch, you think you can blow me off like that?
The messages got nastier and nastier as time passed and it made me worry. There was a single email to his address from Pet’s, and it was asking him to leave her alone. Of course, he never did, and before she could block him and sever contact, the threats started coming. Nastier and nastier with each message.
Do you think your mother would like knowing what her little girl’s ass felt like? You didn’t even fight it, Sapph…
I’m going to tell everyone how you begged for more while I fucked your asshole.
Never thought about me taking pictures? I could have a dozen or more Sapphire, and you’ll never know… What would everyone think of that?