Page 72 of Pet: A Dark Menage Romance
“Part your legs,” she said softly, and my heart pounded louder. Where was she going to put it? Where on earth was she going to put that thing? I wailed in horror.
“Please,” King begged me. I could hear the panic in his voice, and it mimicked mine. “Please, Pet, if you don’t want it, we’ll stop now.”
“You have to do it,” I begged him. “Please, you have to…”
“For fuck’s sake,” Stranger muttered under his breath. In one swift move, he was between my legs, and he parted them as wide as he could. My thighs trembled until he pinned them under his hands, so fucking tightly I couldn’t move a single inch. I cried out in pure terror.
King’s weight sank against my chest and they both stared at me as the brand made contact with my tender skin, burning a mark that would forever label me as King’s property.
I’d never screamed so loud.
Before that moment, I hadn’t even known it was fucking possible.
My scream echoed in the room, and when I passed out, either from the shock or the pain, it echoed in my mind as well.
Over and over again.Twenty-EightKingAfter a week, Angel deemed Pet’s branding was healed enough to be touched. I’d kept my hands off her for the seven days and it had been excruciating. But what I hadn’t expected was to enjoy spending time with her as a companion, as if we were in a real relationship not dominated by my sexual preference.
I held her close and watched movie after movie she picked, cringing hard through most of them and getting swatted by her when she caught me. I fed her ice cream and popcorn and held an ice pack to the inside of her thigh when her brand hurt. For the first time since Pet came into my life, I felt fucking normal, but only until I realized it was all an illusion. Only until she asked the question I’d been dreading to hear.
“Is he coming back?”
My fingers stopped toying with her hair and I wanted to tug on the strands of her lavender mane, but I fucking restrained myself. This was the plan, right? This was what I was working towards, and I couldn’t punish her for the idea I’d planted in her head.
“Yeah,” I told her, my voice strained even though I tried to hide my anguish. “If you want to, he can come back.”
Pet gave me a shy smile and settled into the crook of my arm.
“I just meant, because we didn’t really finish what we started last time…”
Because I was scared I’d fucking kill the guy, I wanted to tell her, but I bit the words back. I gave her a tight-lipped smile instead and promised her I’d get him back there. That was when I got the idea… The perfect idea to get back at my little Pet, even though she wasn’t really doing anything wrong.
I made a quick phone call and returned to my impatient little girl after spending a few minutes in the study.
“He’s busy for a while,” I told her, and she deflated visibly.
“Oh,” she said lamely. “Let’s hope he’ll have time again soon.”
“Let’s hope so,” I growled.
She seemed to sense my bad mood, and her legs parted as she gave me a cheeky little smile. My brand winked from between her legs, right on her left inner thigh. Hidden to everyone but those fucking her, and ensuring that everyone would remember sweet little Pet was mine and mine alone.
“Did you forget about something?” she purred, running her long fingernails along her inner thighs. “I’m all yours now, Master, and I have the mark to prove it.”
I couldn’t help pulling her in my arms and nuzzling her neck, biting into her shoulder to mark her again.
But my head was fucking swimming.
After weeks, almost months, of not digging up any new dirt, I’d finally come a bit closer to finding out what had happened when she was younger. I hadn’t forgotten about the abuse she suffered at the hands of a man she refused to name, and I still had plans to act on it. I’d gotten distracted with all the plans I had for Pet, but I sure as hell hadn’t forgotten. I was going to get that revenge for her, any way I fucking could.
I let her crawl onto my lap. I even let her get my dick hard for her even though I knew I had way too much shit to do to spend time with her like she deserved. I let her work me through my pants until she moaned so sweetly it nearly drove me insane, and then I pushed her off my lap while she protested with soft whimpers and groans.
“I have work to do, little thing,” I told her with a grin. “But I promise I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.”