Page 26 of Lie With Me
An uneasy feeling creeps into my chest, curling down into my stomach when one of the guys returns her smile and motions for us to follow him.
My breaths are shallow, heart hammering behind its ivory cage as we cross the threshold into a long hallway. The walls are black, with the same gold pattern as the Grand Room, and it’s lined with gleaming black doors that have polished bronze knobs. Small tables sit between the doors, with large vases full of blood-red roses. I’ve never really enjoyed the smell of roses, and I try hard not to cough at the thick fragrance permeating the hall.
Reaching for Lenni, I pull her into my side and bury my nose in her hair, inhaling her smoky vanilla coffee scent to chase away the cloying floral perfume. She makes a sound reminiscent of a cat purring and leans into me. When we reach the room, she tells theguard, “Give me five minutes before bringing Leonard back.”
He tells her no problem and heads back down the hall as she opens the door and pulls me inside. “Well, what do you think so far? I’m surprised you didn’t have anyone fawning over you when I came in.”
“Told them I wasn’t interested,” I say, surveying the room.
There’s a long, black chaise lounge against one wall, and a horizontal dresser caddy corner from it—with numerous toys lined up on the surface. A bed with a ridiculously large headboard sits in the middle of one wall, with a changing screen in the corner next to it. There’s a large rectangular mirror above the head of the bed. The only light from the room comes from a dripping crystal chandelier in the middle of the ceiling.
Lenni goes over to the dresser and grabs something off it before going behind the changing screen. “So, not sure how freaky you are, but if you decide to stay, you’re in for a show.”
“Care to elaborate?” Sitting on the edge of the bed, I notice an array of things to tie people up with hanging on the wall next to it—silken scarves, rope, and leather cuffs.
I’d like to tieherup and tellLeonardto get lost.
“Have you ever been pegged before?” She comes out from around the screen. Her underwear and garter belt are gone, and she’s wearing a harness around her hips…with a strap-on penis.
“Jesus Christ! Don’t come near me with thatthing!” Jumping up, I retreat a few steps, looking back and forth between it and her eyes.
“Why?” She smirks with a raised brow and tosses a bottle of lube on the bed. “Afraid you might like it?”
“No, thank you!”
With her hands on her hips, she shrugs. “Toys are friends, not foes.”
I’m about to respond when the door opens, and a spindly bald man walks in wearing a Hugh Hefner robe and a pair of black silk drawstring pajama pants. “My love! Leonard has arrived!”
His voice is a mix between English and Southern, and I have a feeling his accent is fake as fuck.
“I hear we have a guest tonight! Very excited to meet you. You must be very special for Bianca to have chosen you.” He directs his attention to her and instantly frowns. “My love, lose the wings. You know I’d rather be fucked by the devil.”
She laughs and shrugs out of them, tossing them to the side of the bed. They are familiar enough to tell me that they’ve done this before. Whateverthisis.
“I’m confused. You’re going to fuck him with that?” I ask, pointing at the space between her legs.
Leonardlaughs as he rolls onto the bed. “Well, don’t sound so judgmental about it. Have you ever had a woman put their fingers in your ass while you fuck them, or they suck you off? It’s fucking heaven. Getting your G-spot stroked while you do the dirty isn’t something to snub, my friend.”
“Why haveherfuck you then? Why not a man?” Iam not jealous right now. I’m not.
“Sometimes Idopick a man.” He shrugs. “But look at her. She’s fucking beautiful.”
“Aww. Thanks, Leonard. Okay, Ken. Time to decide if you’re going to stay or if you’re going to go.” She looks at me expectantly with a smug grin and a raised brow, conveying that she thinks I’m about to turn and hightail it out of here.
I don’t want to watch this, but I also don’t want to leave.
No part of me wants to leave her with this man, even though they’ve obviously done this multiple times, andheisn’t going to fuckher. I’m torn because this is her job, and she challenged me to accept it, but right now, I want to throw Leonard out on his ass, fuck her until I’m all she can think about, and then solidify in our verbal contract that she can’t fuck anyone else.
Jackson explained how this place works. She can work in the hall that only allows you to talk.
Great, now you’re turning into a controlling prick.
Lenni’s playful expression drops as she narrows her eyes behind her mask. “It’s time for you to leave now if you want to go,” she says like she’s talking to a three-year-old.
Surprisingly, it’s Leonard who saves the day. “Stay and watch, stud. She’s a sight to behold.”
“I’m thinking maybe that’s not a good idea,” Lenni tells him. There’s an edge to her voice. Disappointment, maybe.