Page 25 of Lie With Me
Shimmering champagne, glossy black, and glittering platinum feathered wings adorn the backs of those who work here. Though I feel like a kid who’s just been let loose in a candy shop, I find my gaze bouncing from Angel to Angel in an attempt to find the only woman I want to be looking at half-naked.
“Remember, you don’t touch anyone without their permission, got it?” the guard who escorts me reiterates.
“Got it. I’m only here for one Angel, anyway. Can you please let Bianca know I’m at the bar? She’ll know who it is asking for her.”
He laughs. “Everyone asks for Bianca. Care to be a little more specific? What’s your code name?”
Neither Jackson nor Lenni said anything about a code name. They didn’t ask at intake either.
“Ken,” I tell him, thinking I’m clever until he laughs again, shaking his head as he walks off.
“He probably thinks you meant Ken, as in Barbie and Ken,” a breathy voice sounds to my left.
Looking over, I see a petite blonde wearing a pair of platinum wings, with bright red lips and a Marilyn Monroe beauty mark. “Hi, I’m Norma-Jean.”
Of course, you are.
“Sorry, I’m waiting for someone.”
“My apologies. Enjoy your evening,” she croons before walking away.
Ten minutes pass while I sit at the bar and sip a glass of Japanese whiskey, taking it all in while I wait for Lenni.
When she finally walks into the room, everyone’s attention turns to her as if she’s a rare sparkling diamond.
Her sun-kissed skin has a shimmery glow, contrasting with the platinum wings on her back. She’s teased the shit out of her hair, making it look like she just got done fucking for hours on end. Black is smudged around her eyes in that sexy way that makes her chocolate honey eyes stand out, and her lips are the color of deep burgundy.
The outfit she wears is lacy and black. An underwire bra with detailing in all the right places, with a matching pair of underwear complete with stockings and a garter belt.
My cock immediately jumps to attention at the sight of her.
As does every other dick in the room.
The only thing saving me from feeling like an insecure little shit right now is the way she immediately hones in on me and saunters in my direction with a knowing smile on her face.
She’s approached by four different men by the time she makes it to me, turning them all down with a suggestive smile and a, “Maybe next time.”
I don’t want there to be a next time. Not for anyone in this room except for me.
“Hello, Ken,” she greets knowingly.
“Bianca.”Play it cool, Tripp.
“Are you ready to play?” she asks, stepping between my legs to reach behind me for my glass, her chest brushing up against mine.
“You’re not really going to make me watch you fuck another guy, are you? Because I’d hate to get kicked out for murdering someone my first night here.” My hands find her hips because she stepped into me first. I’m playing by the rules. She initiated first contact, which means unless she explicitly tells me no, I can touch her.
She lets out a soft, musical laugh before taking a large sip of my drink. “Not exactly. But close.”
My heart rate picks up as she finishes my drink before taking my hand. “Come on.”
Silently, I follow her around the bar to the back wall, where three men dressed in all black are standing in front of a door.
“Evening, gentlemen. I’ve got one more joining me tonight if you could show us to our room, please.”
“Does Leonard know you’ll have an extra tonight?” one of the guys who is holding a clipboard asks.
The grin that pulls at her lips is playful as she shakes her head slowly. “He’s not aware yet, but I think he’ll beverypleased.”