Page 82 of Run to Me
These last couple of months, Robyn’s been under the impression that Lia was visiting family when in actuality, she’s been with her brother. Izzy couldn’t pinpoint when it started, or how long it’s been going on for, but it’s clear that Lia seems to think she’s in love with him and is doing his bidding.
It’s also clear that they’ve been staying in a property just outside the city that was left to her by Lia’s aunt before she passed. Which is where we’re going now, to deal with these two assholes and get my fucking girl back.
Hold tight angel, your demon’s coming for you.
The house is the typical white picket fence in a cutesy neighborhood that’s the last place you would expect someone to be hoarding a kidnapping victim.
Luckily for us, the house is only a fifteen-minute drive from my father’s place, so we left Izzy and Alec there while me, my dad andbrothers hauled our asses in the car and Marco took off like a bat out of hell behind the wheel.
We’d usually have more time to plan for our missions, but my wife being kidnapped and being subjected to who the fuck knows what is kinda time sensitive, so rather than fuck around wasting time debriefing our soldiers, we decided to just keep this one in the family and have men around for back-up if needed.
Luca has Izzy on speaker while he sits next to me as she updates us on what she’s found so far.
“It’s just a typical suburban two bed house. You’ll need to be mindful of noise, we don’t want neighbors calling the cops if we can help it. I’ve hacked into the neighbors security cams and can only see one car parked outside of the house so I don’t think there will be many there that you need to take out.”
“Got it, sis,” I say and tune out as Luca tells her he loves her. I’m happy for him, I am. But right now the only thing I want is to have Robyn in my arms, and him telling his wife he loves her is like a punch to the gut.
We pull up outside the house where everything seems quiet and file out of the car, not wasting a single second considering we don’t know what their plan is with Robyn. For all I know she could be fucking dead by now.
There’s no fucking way.
I can’t live in a world where my girl doesn’t exist anymore. If she dies, I’ll make sure I go right along with her.
I don’t wait around for everyone else to catch up as I storm up the steps to the house, I’m about to kick the door in when I remember what Izzy said about being subtle, so I test the handle instead. Imagine my delight when I find it unlocked—fucking idiots.
I open the door slowly, since I’m not sure if there’s a look-out and don’t want to alert them of our arrival just yet if they don’t, and also because I’d rather not have the door flying off the hinges and get myself shot in the process. Only once the door opens, there’s no one there to greet us.
How very unwelcoming.
I hold up my hand to stop everyone behind me from barging in while I wait to see if I can hear anything. Only what I do hear turns my blood to ice and makes my chest squeeze.
It comes from upstairs, and it sounds like a muffled scream followed by a thud. Then silence.
I don’t stick around to see if I can hear anymore, I don’t think, I just run in the direction of the noise with my gun in my hand and heart in my throat.
My footsteps thunder as I storm up the stairs and peek into each room until I reach the last one. I hear hushed whispers from the other side of the door before I reach for the handle, only when I go to open it, the doors locked.
Fuck this.
I aim my gun at the doorknob and shoot, careful to aim downwards since there’s a high possibility Robyn’s inside and shove the door open with my shoulder to find Jeremy and Lia huddled in thecorner of the room, her hiding behind his back while he points a gun at me.
He’s a real scary fucker, I’m practically shaking from fear at the way his arm trembles while he aims the gun my way and from the pasty white complexion of his face.
I’d stop and roll my eyes at them if it wasn’t for the sight of Robyn lying unconscious on the floor making all other thoughts fly from my fucking head. I don’t even think about the other two assholes that need dealing with when I rush to her side—I’ll let my family deal with them for now. I’ll have my time with them once I know my girl is okay.
I crouch down beside her and gently shake her shoulder to try and rouse her. Her lashes flutter and she lets out a whimper as I pull her into my arms. Her hair’s matted with blood and I see a black eye forming. Her eyes are sunken, and her face is pale. Her clothes are intact, so I don’t know if she has any other injuries that I can’t see yet.
“Angel,” I rasp, my voice thick with emotion as she goes lax.
“Robyn, angel, wake up for me.”
I shake her gently again and call out her name, though there’s no change. I need her to wake the fuck up, I need to look into her eyes and tell her how fucking sorry I am that I let this happen and how I’ll never let it happen again.
Though these last few days just show how much I can’t keep that promise.
Fuck, maybe I never should have brought her into my life.