Page 72 of Run to Me
Robyn’s reasoning was that this baby is a surprise, so we should have the baby’s sex be a surprise too. My reasoning wasthat the idea of waiting seemed to make my girl happy, and I don’t think I need much more of a reason than that.
The second I heard my baby’s heartbeat echo in my ears and saw the sonogram of them wriggling around inside my girl, everything just seemed to click into place, like this is why I was placed on earth. For me to protect Robyn, for me to love her, and for me to spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make her and any number of children we have happy and safe.
We also haven’t told my family or Lia yet, we decided to keep it to ourselves for a while, and just enjoy this time together with our own little secret. But there’s one thing that’s been bothering me for the last week, and that’s the fact that even though I want to spend my life with her, and she’s currently pregnant with my child, she’s still only mygirlfriend.
Seriously, I fucking hate that word.
It feels like a steppingstone, a stone that wobbles beneath me and I can’t rest my full weight on it, I’m itching to move onto the next, more secure step. Which is why I sneaked out of the apartment at seven this morning so I could go and pick out a ring and be back in time to put it on her finger before she wakes up.
I’m sure a lot of women would want an extravagant proposal with all the flowers, pomp and circumstance. But that’s not who Robyn is, that’s not whoweare. She doesn’t care for materialistic things, so the only thing left is for her to wake up and for me to try and convince her that this is the next—and necessary—step for us.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
The whispers of lips across my face wakes me from my sleep. My lashes flutter open to find Enzo crouched next to the bed, fully dressed for the day and peppering kisses across my face.
“Morning angel,” he murmurs and gives me a sheepish smile.
“Why do you have that look on your face? And why are you up and ready so early?” I ask and I rub a hand across my face, but the feeling of something cold and smooth against the bridge of my nose halts my movements and I pull my hand back to find a goddamn engagement ring on my finger.
Did we get engaged and I’m having some sort of mental blockage and can’t remember it? What the hell is happening right now? When did he propose?
“Ahhh, Enzo?”
He grins at me. “Do you like it?”
“Of course I do,” I say with a frown. It’s exactly what I would have chosen for myself, a simple silver band with a princess cut diamond. Nothing too big or flashy, since I’m not exactly one of those girls who enjoy attention, and something like that would definitely attract attention. Though I still don’t understand how this freaking ring ended up on my finger.
“I don’t want you to think I’m doing this because of the baby, because, angel, I’ve wanted this from the moment I laid eyes on you. You’re everything good in the world and I need your light in my life. You’re my home. My safe haven. My paradise. You’re my goddamn nirvana and I want to spend the rest of my life being those things for you too. I know you’ll probably think it’s too early, but I love you Robyn, will you m—”
“Yes,” I interrupt.
His eyes are wide, and he gapes at me before he collects himself. “Yes?” he parrots.
“I love you, of course I’ll marry you,” I say with a smile, and he stares at me for a moment before he pounces.
I can hardly blink before I’m lying on my back on the bed with him hovering above me, his weight pinning me to the mattress and he slams his lips down on mine. He devours me, kissing me desperately, pouring everything he has into the kiss.
“Today,” he murmurs against my lips.
“Marry me today,” he says and pulls back to look down at me, a sweet smile on his lips as I blink up at him. He wants to marry me today?
“Answer me this, would you rather have a small thing with just family… or would you rather the big wedding with all the shit that neither of us care about? If you want the big white dress and everything else that comes with that, I’ll give it to you. We can wait, and we can have the flowers and the cake and whatever else. Or we can go to the courthouse today, have my family there, have Liathere and get married with our family without the added stress. It’s up to you, angel. Anything you want.”
“Today,” I whisper and a wide grin lights up his face before he brings his lips back to mine. Slower this time, less urgent and more teasing.
“In that case,” he says as he peppers kisses against my neck and makes his way down my body, “we better make this quick, we’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”
Chapter Forty
You all need to be at the courthouse at 3pm. I’m getting married.