Page 7 of My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
“Any way I can help you get them off your back?” he offered, because his grandma raised him to be a gentleman who helped people in need. And he hated scum. If vigilante justice wasn’t punished more severely than actual criminals, he’d have long ago started cleaning up the city.
“You’ve already done enough by giving me a place to crash for a few days. Thanks.”
“No problem.”
With that, they arrived at his place. She declared the couch perfect, and then, despite his earlier claim, Derek tried to insist she take the bed because he suddenly felt bad about putting her on that lumpy thing. She refused.
He might have fought longer, but he needed sleep before his shift tonight. He pulled out some leftovers in the fridge, a bucketof fried chicken and another of hot wings which they devoured in silence—unless her staring meant something. After their meal, he said goodnight and hoped he wouldn’t wake to an apartment stripped of all his valuables. He’d be pissed if she took his collector edition Xbox.
Chapter 3
Athena layon the couch listening as Derek actually went to bed and slept. Slept with a slight snore, despite the stranger in his place. Was he nuts? Then again, she’d seen him in action on the path by the canal. The guy knew how to handle himself.
At first, when she’d seen him confronted by those three thugs, she’d expected him to get beaten. Her plan had been to snag his keys, find out his address by stealing his wallet back from the bullies—along with a shirt since dawn wasn’t far off—and then head to his place for a few hours of rest while he got handled at the hospital, which these days took upwards of eight hours, sometimes closer to twenty-four.
Only that plan failed before it began since Derek disarmed the would-be thieves but not in a violent way. He literally chastised them instead of beating them silly. He was much nicer than her. She even tested his nice streak by appearing naked and asking for help. Had he turned into a pig, she would have beaten his ass and kept to her initial plan, but he’d proven to be a gentleman, offering her his shirt, showing caution at her asking to stay, then actually being a nice guy by offering her his bed and, when she said no, a clean T-shirt, boxers, and a blanket with pillow.
He'd not once tried to grope her. Kept his gaze on her face and not once made any kind of sexual innuendo. She’d have thought him into men if she’d not seen his expression light up when he’d first seen her.
At least now she could stop running and rest for a bit. She’d spent the night racing around the city, muddying any trail she left, hopefully foiling anyone trying to follow. She’d not once thought of popping by her place because Dr. Rogers probably had people watching it the moment she escaped. Asshole.
Soon as she could get her hands on a phone, she would need to get in contact with her family, who most likely worried. She tended to talk to them several times a week. That was assuming Rogers hadn’t taken them into custody and kept them in a different location, which didn’t seem likely given his elaborate lab setup. Good thing they lived about an hour west of the city. It might have kept them safe, at least while Rogers still tried to ascertain her lycanthropy.
She couldn’t be sure if her wolf was spotted in the escape. In either case, her family needed warning, but she couldn’t use Derek’s phone. If Rogers already surveilled her family, then he’d trace it the moment she called. She’d have to get a burner phone and run her call through a VPN to make it seem like she was elsewhere.
As to how she’d get the money to buy it…
Rather than steal from her host, she prepared to offer him a deal when he woke. A yawning Derek emerged from the bedroom at one p.m., wearing low-slung track pants, a form-fitting faded T, and ruffled hair. He waved as he walked by the couch, muttering, “Afternoon.”
An already awake Athena listened to the news on low. She turned to watch him in the tiny kitchen preparing a coffee.
“Good afternoon to you too. You slept good?” she asked.
“Like a cat.”
She blinked. “Isn’t the expression baby?”
“Grams says that’s the stupidest thing ever since they sleep like shit most of the time. Cats, though, they know how to get some shuteye,” he offered with a grin. He held up a mug. “Shot of caffeine?”
“Yes, please.”
He also pulled out a box of cereal and milk, along with two bowls, and put them on his small kitchen table.
“I gotta go to work around three. Need anything before I go? You’re welcome to any clothes in my closet or food in the kitchen.”
She hesitated before saying, “I need a hundred bucks.”
“Okay.” He said nothing else, so she added, “I’ll pay you back soon as I can.”
He glanced at her. “I assume this isn’t for drugs.”
“Hell no. I want to grab a prepaid phone.”
“You could borrow mine.”
“I’d prefer something anonymous.”
He arched a brow. “Are you a spy being tracked by the government?”