Page 6 of My Girlfriend is a Werewolf
“As in the goddess?”
“Yeah. My mom loved the Greek gods. I’m Athena, and I have a brother called Ares, and a sister named Selene.”
“I’m Derek, after my gramps.” Idle chitchat, kind of incongruous given he walked with an almost naked hottie. He noticed her bare feet. “Do you need me to carry you?”
“Whatever for? My legs work.”
“Because you have no shoes and I don’t want you cutting your feet or something.”
She glanced at her toes. “Bah. I’ll be fine.”
Tough chick. Most broads would have been in hysterics after being robbed. Or… “Wait, were you actually robbed?”
“Not exactly. More like kidnapped and held prisoner.”
“By who?”
“Some very annoying people,” she grumbled. “When my chance came to escape, I didn’t have time to get dressed. Guess I’m lucky the first person I came across wasn’t a rapist.”
“Fuck those pervs. Grams says the only way to cure a rapist is to cut off his dick and choke him with it.”
A short laugh emerged from her. “I like your grandma already.”
“You’d be one of a few,” he admitted ruefully. “She scares off most folks.”
“Not you?” she questioned.
“Nah. She’s awesome. I hope to be half as tough as her one day.”
They reached his apartment building, an ugly thing built back in the seventies. Red brick with no character. He unlocked and held open the door for her to enter the vestibule. She angled her head and sniffed before saying, “Is there a building in this city that doesn’t have pee in the stairwells?”
She could smell it in the lobby? Might be time to ask the superintendent to bleach the stairs again. “Yeah, it’s getting to be bad in a lot of places. At least the rent isn’t horrendous.”
“Oh don’t apologize. Just pointing out a fact. My place had the same problem for a bit.”
“How did you solve it?”
“The pisser had an unfortunate tumble down the stairs and landed face first in it.”
He couldn’t help but laugh. “By unfortunate, do you mean pushed?”
“Why, Derek, do I look like the type of girl who would sully her hands?” Athena drawled then winked.
He kept chuckling as they entered the elevator. “Kind of refreshing to meet someone who doesn’t put up with bullshit. Although I gotta wonder, how did you get involved in a bad scene?”
“By not being careful.” She leaned against the elevator wall as it rose. “And before you ask, I’d never met the folks who snagged me. All I know is apparently I met some kind of criteria.”
Given her looks, he could only come to one conclusion. Sex trafficked. Damn. Meaning no flirting by him, no leering, no nothing. Derek wasn’t about to make her trauma greater.
“Think they’ll come looking for you?”
“Probably.” She hesitated before adding, “Don’t worry. I’ll be gone before they figure out where I am.”
She kept saying “they.” As in, more than one person.
“Even if they do show up, I’m not afraid,” he quickly stated. “More just wondering if I need to be more on guard than usual.”
“You should be fine. It’s me they’re after.”