Page 66 of Bound By A Promise
“I don’t love Rei.”
Mama came closer.“No quiero perderte como perdí a Catalina.”
She was purposely trying to keep Dante from our conversation. I wouldn’t let her. “You’re not going to lose me, Mama.” I took a step away and wrapped her in a hug. Her arms encircled me as I basked in her familiar perfumed scent.
My nerves relaxed as we embraced. Maybe this was going to go better than I feared.
Papá appeared at Mama’s side. Releasing her, I turned to him, hoping for a hug.
Before I could speak, his palm contacted my cheek. Shocked and stunned, I stared in his direction.
His gruff voice reverberated through the first floor. “Avergüenzas a tu familia.”
Standing at least four inches taller than my father, Dante materialized at my side with a deadly expression as he seized my father’s wrist. “Touch my wife like that again, and I’ll kill you.”
This wasn’t what I wanted.
Gasping, I jumped back and covered my lips with my fingertips. Dante held tight; his fingers blanched as he applied more pressure. Neither man spoke as they both stared at the other. To the side Sergio and Silas both had their guns at the ready.
“Calma,” Jano said loudly, lifting his hands and coming closer with Em on his heels. “Dante, Andrés is a guest in our house.”
Dante dramatically released his hold.
“Bajen las armas,” Jano said, speaking to the two guards.
Begrudgingly, they re-holstered their weapons.
Papá’s gaze flitted from Dante to me and back. Perspiration dotted his brow, and his face took on a red hue. His dark eyes weren’t the ones I’d seen throughout my childhood. Warmth and love were replaced by a harsh coldness I’d never seen. “We are leaving.” He turned to Mama. “Now.” He reached for me. “Your marriage is over. You’re coming with us, home, where you belong.”
Dante and Jano both stepped between us.
“Andrés…” Jano tried.
Dante pulled me behind him. “You will never touch my wife again—ever.” My husband was larger than life, as if he’d grown inches in height and width within the last few seconds. With his jaw clenched and his chest puffed, he was an over-two-hundred-pound wall of muscle separating me from my father.
Everyone in the room, most of the first floor, held our collective breaths as Dante and my father stared at one another. In this moment, they weren’t family but stone-cold killers, each sizing up their prey.
It took me a minute to recognize Mia’s soft voice. When I turned to her, she motioned with her chin for me to come to her and flee from the impending fury.
“No.” I moved between Dante and Papá. “Stop this. I’m an adult.”
“Then act like it,” Papá said.
“I am. I made my decision. Dante and I are married, legally wed. The ceremony was performed by Father Gallo.” I turned to Mama. “I’m married to the man I love.” I tilted my head. “Isn’t that what you want for me?”
“We’ll discuss it at home,” Papá said. Then he turned back to Dante, his voice sending chills down my spine. “You threatenme? I should kill you for what you’ve done. Camila was promised to another.El Patr?nwill deal with your capo.”
Veins popped to life in Dante’s neck as he stared back at my father.
“Valentina and Camila,” Papá said, “we’re leaving now.”
“My wife stays with me.”
Silas looked up from his phone. “The capo and Mrs. Luciano are here, coming through the gate.”