Page 65 of Bound By A Promise
“Have you spoken to her?”
“No, but if I know your sister, she’ll stand by you. She’s most likely the reason that Dario hasn’t completely lost his shit.”
I looked down, seeing my bare legs and the shorts. “Last night” —warmth filled my cheeks— “Dante cut the straps of my sundress.”
Mia’s smile bloomed. “Savage Italian traditions. Isn’t that what you called them?”
I had.
“It was only the straps, and it was kind of sexy.” I looked around. “But that means I only have this to wear.”
Mia stood and looked down at me. “Nope. That won’t do for the audience you’re about to receive. I’m probably two or threesizes bigger than you even when I’m not pregnant. But Viviana is closer to your size.”
“Do you think she has anything I could wear?”
“Since I convinced her to do away with the maid uniforms, she’s expanded her wardrobe. Let me ask her, and we’ll work out something.”
I stood. “Thank you. I keep saying that, but I mean it. Thank you for standing by us.”
“I never had a sister, and now I have two. They just happen to also be sisters. It’s very complicated.” She squeezed my hand. “But the best things always are.”
Thirty minutes later, I was dressed in a long orange skirt with a white short-sleeved top. Mia came up with some chunky necklaces, and I decided my tennis shoes were perfectly acceptable. I added some curls to my hair on each side of my face and styled my ponytail neater. As I took one last look in the mirror, I noticed the ruby ring.
Holding my left hand against my chest, I remembered Dante’s promise.
Tonight, I would be with my husband, wherever we were. We’d be together.
I peeked out of the bathroom to see Dante.
He stopped, his smile growing as he scanned me from my hair to my shoes. “You’re beautiful, beautiful.” He offered me his hand. “Are you ready?”
“Your parents are here.”
My chest grew heavier. “Mia said they were on their way.” I looked up at my husband. “That’s better than their house, right?”
“We’ll face them together.”
With Dante’s hand reassuringly in the small of my back, we descended the staircase. “You’re trembling,” he whispered.
I was. My hands were also ice cold. The aroma of food met us as we stepped onto the first floor, twisting my already-nervous stomach. The din of voices faded as if we’d walked onto a stage already filled with characters.
Sergio, Papá’s bodyguard, stood near the front door. I longed to ask him about Miguel. Instead, I stayed at my husband’s side. My mother was with Mia near the food, Viviana was tending to something on the kitchen island. Jano, Em, and Papá were outside, probably discussing last night’s attack.
Mama turned toward us. Her bloodshot eyes scanned over us as I leaned into Dante.“Me partiste el coraz?n.”She clenched her heart.
“Tu rompiste el mio.”I held back the threatening tears, praying I could keep them at bay. “I love Dante. I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t listen.”
“Rei es un buen hombre.”