Page 88 of Now and Forever
Once we both reached the main level, Contessa headed toward the kitchen, and I went in search of Armando. I found him where Contessa said, sitting at a table in the front sitting room. His suit coat was off, his holster, strapped over his wide shoulders, visible. He was concentrating on the tablet in front of him.
At the sound of my footsteps, he turned my direction with a sober expression. “Is she leaving?”
He let out a breath. “Thank you.”
“If I’d known, I would never have encouraged her to leave.”
“It wasn’t all you, Catalina. Jasmine was excited about going to New York and attending Barnard. Are you familiar with the school?”
My heart swelled at Jasmine’s desire for education. I took the seat across from Armando. “No.”
“It’s a private woman’s college. Mr. Luciano believed that she’d be safer there. The apartment he rented for her was supposed to have top-notch security.” He shook his head. “I checked it out myself. This never should have happened.”
“Jasmine remembered something.”
Armando tilted his head. “What did she remember?”
“The man who hurt her said she was a stray like Josie.”
Armando’s jaw clenched, the muscles on the side of his face pulled taut, and his eyes widened. “She said that? She used the word stray?”
I nodded. “Dario told me that was what his father would call Josie. Surely, Vincent wouldn’t be involved in harming Jasmine, would he?”
“Does Mr. Luciano know about this?”
“He does. He said he had to leave, and he took Dante and Giovanni with him.”
“I should be with them.”
I reached toward him. “If somehow Vincent is involved, he’ll find out that Jasmine is back here. If he wants her” —I hated to use the word— “dead, then she needs you here.” I’d grown up around death. My father and his brothers had their own traitors to deal with. A shiver ran through me, recognizing the danger. “Weneed you here.” I pressed my lips together. “Dario told me that Jasmine trusts you. Don’t you think her knowing you’re here is a good thing?”
Armando nodded. “I don’t like the way this feels. The capo dei capi wanted Jasmine gone after Josie died. He gave Mr. Luciano hell for seeking guardianship.”
“How could he be so cruel? She’d just lost her sister.”
“You don’t become the boss of bosses with a kind heart.”
“Dario has one.”
“Only for those he cares about.” Armando’s stare bore into me. “You need to see all sides of the man you married to fully understand him. Don’t let the husband side sugarcoat who he really is. Remember, he’s next in line for capo. He didn’t get to that position without demonstrating brutal cruelty.”
He was right. Swallowing, I nodded.
Armando leaned across the table. “Word on the street is that the capo dei capi has changed his mind again. He won’t step down.”
“But Dario…Just last night…” My heart ached for Dario. “Does he know?”
“Yes. The news came right before Jasmine showed up.”
“You’re saying that Jasmine was attacked last night, and this morning Vincent reneged on his promise to step down.”
“And Jasmine’s attacker used the wordstray. It seems pretty fucking obvious there’s a connection.” He sighed. “Sorry for the language, ma’am.”
My cheeks rose with a grin. “This may come as a shock, but cartel soldiers use the word fuck too. I’m not offended.” My greatest fear came back. “Is Dario safe?”
Armando shook his head. “I can’t say. Shit’s coming to a head, and it depends whose side our inner circle is on.”