Page 87 of Now and Forever
Jasmine nodded.
“Ineed to go,” Dario said, his jaw tight as he squeezed my hand. “Armando and Piero will stay here. I’m taking Dante and Giovanni.”
The word made the small hairs on the back of my neck stand to attention. It was the term Dario said his father used. Certainly, there wasn’t a connection. I wanted to ask, but years of experience told me that some questions were better asked in private. “Stay safe.”
Dario gave us all a curt nod.
Inhaling, I turned back to Contessa and Jasmine. There was no sense in including them in my concerns. I feigned my biggest smile. “Is storage far away?”
“No, it’s in this building,” Contessa replied.
“Let’s ask Armando to help us.” I surveyed the room. “We have a bedroom in desperate need of decorating.”
Contessa replied, “While you two do that, I’ll start dinner.” She looked to Jasmine. “Are you okay?”
Jasmine’s gaze fluctuated from Contessa to me and back before managing a smile. “Yeah, I think I will be.”
Contessa gently embraced Jasmine. “I’ve missed you so much.” She smoothed her hair. “You’re strong. Josie would be proud of the way you fought.”
Jasmine pressed her lips together and nodded. “It’s good to be home.”
The home she’d been forced to leave because of me.
An awkward silence fell as Contessa left the room.
“I’ll go find Armando,” I said, hurrying away and trailing after Contessa. I caught up to her on the stairway. “I didn’t know.”
She turned and nodded. “It wasn’t fair of me to blame you.”
“Life isn’t always fair.” I tilted my head toward the upstairs. “It seems that she’s had her share of unfairness. I never meant to add to it.”
“Mr. Luciano said it wasn’t your fault. I should have listened.”
My lips curled. “Just to clear the air, are there any other people, women or men, who were evicted due to me?”
“No, ma’am,” she said with a smile. “We’re as whole as we could possibly be.”
“Dario loves her.”
Contessa nodded. “He’s never told her, but I know it’s true.”
“I don’t think he knows how to say the words.”
“That’s all right. Actions speak louder anyway.”
‘I saw the way he looks at you.’Camila’s words came back.
Instead of fanning the flames of that dream, I concentrated on the present and nodded. “Do you know where Armando is?”
“Front sitting room, I believe.”