Page 61 of Now and Forever
“Are you going to walk me inside?” I asked.
“Do you want to walk in alone?”
The part of me that Dario claimed had fire wanted to say yes, I can do it. However, in the grand scheme of this situation, the answer was no. I was glad I had my bodyguard at my side especially when a man taller than Armando opened the door. I did a double take. Armando was nearly as tall as Dario, but this man was giant.
“Mrs. Luciano,” Armando said, introducing me.
“Ma’am, it’s a pleasure,” the big guy said in a deep voice. “Mr. Luciano is in his office.”
The sight of an establishment the size of the Emerald Club during the day was eye-opening. It reminded me of walking into a warehouse. The multiple bars, tables, couch groupings, and stages were empty except for workers cleaning, or stocking liquor.
I looked up. The ceiling over the main portion of the building went up three stories with catwalks and large spotlights in the rafters. There was a sweeping staircase that led to the second floor. While I’d never visited a club like this before, I’d seen enough movies to guess that the windows that looked down from the third floor were probably Dario’s office.
“The elevators are over here,” Armando said.
“May we walk up to the second floor?”
He shrugged and led me up the stairs.
“This is the VIP area,” he explained. “Higher shelf liquor, private entertainment, and there’s gambling on this level. Roulette, blackjack, and poker. No slots. The gambling is all with credits. As far as the government knows, no actual money is exchanged.”
“How do the VIP clients obtain the credits?”
Armando smiled. “Yeah, there is that.”
“And I suppose they cash them out.”
“Funny how that works.”
He led me through the different lounges, some separated with red velvet ropes. One had a grand piano near the center. Multiple areas had long stages with poles. Near the elevators to the third floor were multiple hallways resembling those found in a hotel. “Are the private rooms only on the second floor?”
“No. There are twice as many on the first floor.”
“Where are the workers?” I asked.
“Home, I’d expect. Unless there’s a private party, the doors don’t open until four.” Armando flashed a card in front of a sensor and the elevator opened.
We stepped inside.
The back side of the elevator was glass, giving us a view as we rose that overlooked the VIP sections. I turned as the elevator doors opened.
“Catalina,” Rocco said with surprise.
Stopping short, I’d almost collided with Dario’s brother-in-law. “Rocco.” While I barely knew Mia’s husband, there was something about him that made me feel uncomfortable.
He looked at Armando. “I’m going to assume Dario knows she’s here.”
“That would be correct,” my bodyguard said. “And he’s waiting.”
Rocco nodded, waited for us to step out, and he stepped into the elevator. Next, Armando led me to the right and stopped at the first door. He knocked.
“Come in.”
I recognized the voice.
Armando pushed the door inward. Dario stood from behind a big desk, looking as handsome as he did this morning. His suit coat was off, but his shirt was still pressed and crisp. His holster and diamond cuff links were in place.
His gaze met mine, sending a cold shiver through me. Maybe this was his work persona, but I wasn’t getting a warm and fuzzy vibe.