Page 60 of Now and Forever
“Women like us don’t get the luxury of choosing our husbands or even dating, so we have to start dating after marriage. These men have responsibilities that weigh them down. I decided not to be an added burden but instead to be a partner.” She shook her head. “Convincing a man like Eli that his child bride could be a partner took time, but the end result was worth the effort. Sure, they have their choice of whores, but those women can’t give them children. I decided to show him that I was all that he needed.”
Leaning back against the chair, I sighed. “And you think I can do that with Dario?”
“Look at yourself, Cat. You’re beautiful and smart. I know he’s Mafia, but he’s a man. So, my answer is yes, I do.”
“They really aren’t that different, are they?”
Ana rolled her eyes. “To hear Eli talk, they’re worlds apart.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sure you know that not everyone from our world was excited about Jorge’s decision to marry you to the Italians. Some see his willingness to make a deal outside of our people as a sign of weakness.” She shook her head. “Even though I wanted to see you, I almost refused to attend.” She laid her hand over her midsection. “Eli had to convince me there wouldn’t be a bloodbath.”
It sounded like everyone shared the same concern.
“I’m glad they all behaved.”
“It was why we came.” Ana sat taller. “Eli said if the wedding went badly, Jorge would be vulnerable.”
“Wouldn’t that help Elizondro?”
“I don’t know all the details. I just know that Eli attended the wedding as a sign of support for Jorge. He said the Italians needed to know there is a united front even if in private they weren’t happy about it.”
My stomach twisted. “It feels wrong to talk about it now. I’m stuck between both worlds.”
“No, Cat. You’re born cartel. It’s in your blood.”
“What if Dario and I have children?”
She squared her shoulders smugly. “They will have cartel blood.”
And famiglia blood.
I was ready for another topic of discussion. “How are your children?”
By the time I emerged from the suite, Armando was standing there looking as if he was ready for us to leave. “Did you two talk?” I asked as he and I entered the elevator.
“He’s cartel. My Spanish is weak.”
“He speaks English. If he didn’t, he was messing with you. Besides, I’m cartel.”
“No, ma’am. You’re Dario Luciano’s wife. That makes you famiglia.”
On our walk to the vehicle, Armando informed me of a change in plans. “Since we’re out, Mr. Luciano requested that I take you to the Emerald Club.”
“Dario wants me to go to a strip club?”
“A private club,” he corrected. “And it doesn’t open for another few hours. It’s also the location of his main office. I’ve already told him we’re on the way.”
Of course he did.
The guard shack at the entry of the club’s parking lot was attended by a man who recognized Armando. Lifting the gate, he waved him through. Taking in the outside of the Emerald Club, I tried my best to have an open mind. It wasn’t like the cartel didn’t have the same type of businesses. While I’d heard stories about Wanderlust, I’d never been inside.
Armando parked the SUV, got out, and opened my door.