Page 37 of The Man with the Knot
“Thank you, Brax,” she whispers. “For giving up your home for me.”
I kiss her again.
“Don’t thank me,” I whisper against her lips. “You’re everything that I want, Morgan.Youare my home.”
Then, I tilt her mouth to mine in a deep kiss, our mouths saying everything that words cannot. It’s a kiss of promise, and hope. Of adventures to come, and life to live.
Together at last, wherever life takes us. All I know is that I need this woman by my side, and her curvy form in my life. I can’t live without her – and I wouldn’t even try.
“No, no!” I squeal, dashing around my boyfriend to grab the mischievous cat we adopted a few weeks ago before she can jump onto the table. “The bacon is for us!”
Brax chuckles as he flips eggs on the stove. “I’m telling you, babe, that cat is wicked. What cat even eats bacon? We should probably sage the house.”
I roll my eyes and giggle. “You say that every time Misty jumps on something,” I point out as I scoop the wild cat into my arms. “She’s just spirited.”
My sexy boyfriend cocks an eyebrow but doesn’t respond. Meanwhile, I drop the sneaky animal into our bedroom and close the door so she can’t cause any more trouble. I take a minute to watch Brax without him noticing, enjoying how at ease he is while making our breakfast.
My sexy man is shirtless and wearing low-slung pajama bottoms. Brax is pretty much always shirtless in the house, and I don’t mind one bit. His chest is bare and bronzed, his pecs like heavy slabs of marble. His abs ripple even as he brandishes a spatula, and I can’t get enough. I want to say I’ve grown accustomed to his incredible body, but that would be a lie because I honestly can’t get enough of his physique. Subconsciously, I bite my bottom lip.
Brax senses me looking at him and turns around, his eyebrow raised.
“What’s that look?” he asks, smirking.
I purse my lips at him and saunter toward the kitchen. “Oh, you know, just thinking about how hot you are. How much I like looking at your body. How much I like running my fingers over those abs.”
Brax pushes the pan of eggs off the hot burner. “Hmmm, is that so?” he growls, a low rumble in his throat. His expression shifts—half-man, half-beast, suddenly on the hunt.
“No!” I squeak and dash out of the way just as he reaches for me.
“I’m much faster than you,” Brax snarls, chasing me around our apartment. “You’ve let out the monster and I must have what I want.”
I giggle as I dart around the coffee table. “Truce, truce!”
“There are no truces. I must have you!” Brax lunges at me before I can move. He pulls me up into his arms, my feet dangling in the air. His eyes flash dangerously. “Come on, reward me for capturing you.”
I plant a chaste kiss on his lips. “That’s your reward. Now, unhand me, you wild animal.”
“Not good enough.” Brax, still holding me tightly, dips me to one side and kisses me deeply, his body pressing into mine as if I’m a rock and he’s the sea. The kiss is fire, every inch of me igniting with need.
Too soon, he sets me back on my feet.
“Nowthatis a proper reward.” He smacks my ass playfully. “Get the plates before that damn cat goes after the eggs.”
“I already put Misty in the bedroom,” I remind him sassily as I sashay back to the kitchen, Brax trailing after me. Before I make it two feet though, he grabs me hips and pulls my butt against his hard dick.
“Why, is that a banana in your pocket, sir?” I giggle, rubbing my backside against him.
Brax nips at my ear. “I know I just had my way with you less than an hour ago, but what do you say we go for round two? I don’t think your ass is sore enough.”
His hands slide up my body and cup my breasts. I begin to pant heavily, completely aroused by his touch and ready to lose control once more.
“Nah, I don’t think you want it enough,” Brax teases me, pulling at my nipples.
“Hmm, how should I prove that I do?” I purr in an innocent voice, still arching into him.