Page 30 of Misadventures Of A Single Mom
“Pleasure,” Dex replied, his voice deep and rich, eyes penetrating on Goldie. It was obvious to me he could suck a woman in with his gazer beam. Hopefully, Goldie had her force fields up.
“That’s a lovely horse you rode.”
“Thank you.”
I wanted this conversation over so I moved things along. “Dex was telling me the various uses for a riding crop.”
Goldie lifted an eyebrow. “Oh?” She looked to Dex and the crop in his hand.
“Sometimes a mare needs a little help remembering where I want to go.”
I gave Goldie a pointed look, hoping she’d read between the lines. She was always quick on the pick-up.
“You’re absolutely right. It’s important to keep your horse in line. If they get out of hand, they’ll nip you in the butt.”
My mouth dropped open in surprise. It amazed me both could speak double entendre. Or were they? I couldn’t keep up. I obviously wasn’t as skilled.
“A woman after my own heart. You’ve experienced this yourself?”
Goldie patted Dex’s hand with her manicured one. “Honey, I’m old enough to have experienced everything. Oh look, Paul’s ready with the boys to go to the derby. It was nice meeting you.”
“Bye,” I said to Dex, past ready to flee.
I turned to follow Goldie but Dex grabbed my wrist, kept me in place. His hand was warm against my skin and I felt theroughness of callouses. Goose bumps popped out on my arms. I looked up into his dark eyes. Deep and intense. Yup, gazer beams. “You know where to find me when you’re ready.” He let go of my wrist and slapped the crop against his palm again.
Thwack. That broke the stare. I mumbled something unintelligible and scooted off.
Once outside, Goldie stopped me, letting the boys go on ahead. “That is one handsome piece of man. Mmm, mmm.”
“Uh, yeah.” He was handsome, but that was as far as it went.
“And he’s very interested in you. Should I send him a care package, too?”
“Only if it includes whips and chains,” I grumbled.
Goldie nodded. “Oh, sweetie, I’m so glad you’re willing to try new things, but isn’t that a little out of your element?”
“If I threw a fit about anal beads, do you think I’d go for bondage and sadism?” I asked.
“Good point. That man screams Dom. But, you might be able to tell him your limits up front. You know, no painful punishment but you’d be interested in being a sub. Following his commands. It can be quite liberating.”
How the hell did she know that? I had split second visions of Paul wielding a riding crop and Goldie submitting and I shuddered, forcing my thoughts elsewhere. I didn’t want to go there. Ever. Besides, I wasn’t going tosubmitto anyone. As if I hadn’t given enough control of my life over to Nate to have it yanked out from under me when he’d cheated.Happy place, go to a happy place!
“No way.”
Goldie nodded her head. “You’re right. You need sex, honey, badly. But not that badly. I’ll get you the fanciest vibrator out there to use until you find the right man.”
“Great. Thanks.” It was better to go along than to argue. Maybe she’d forget. Doubtful.
She gave me a hard look. “You weren’t seriously considering that man to scratch your itch, were you?”
“Only if I up my insurance premium first.”
Goldie kissed my cheek. “All right then. What about Ty? I thought there was something there.”
I briefly told her about how he’d reacted at the convenience store and whatever spark there’d been was gone now.
“Ty Strickland cares about you. It’s obvious. He wouldn’t have walked away otherwise.”