Page 29 of Misadventures Of A Single Mom
“That’s Drake Dexter.”
“That’s one handsome cowboy. He melts my butter.”
I had to admit he was handsome, but butter? He more like curdled my milk. But looks were only skin deep. When he opened his mouth, the man gave me the creeps.
I wasn’t paying any attention to the auction. My thoughts drifted to Dex and our first, very weird meeting.
“Sold!” the announcer shouted over the loudspeaker. Dex guided his horse over to the fence and lifted his arm in a casual wave to me.
“He wants to talk to you. Mmm, mmm. Go on down. Talk to the man. Maybe I’ll send him a box of goodies.”
“I have a feeling he already has a goodie drawer,” I told her. Probably an entire goodie room, like say, a dungeon.
I smiled, admittedly weak, as I carefully stepped down from the bleachers and approached Dex.
“Hello,” he said. “You look nice in pink.” He stared at my tank top which meant he was taking in the cleavage. Being large-chested, I tried to buy the most modest tank style I could find with a higher scoop neckline than most, but when a man sat atop a horse he could see right down to your belly button.
“Um, hi.” I crossed my arms over my chest and realized too late that only made things worse. I hadn’t learned from the last time with Ty. Did I look as awkward as I felt?
“I’m surprised to see you here.”
“I’m with my family.”
He handed the reins to a man who’d joined us at the rail. Dex climbed down and the man and horse walked off. Dex put his forearms on the top bar and leaned in. I could smell some kind of spicy aftershave, which I had to admit, smelled nice. He held a short riding crop in his hands. I hadn’t noticed it before.
“I didn’t realize you whip your horses.”
Dex looked at the whip. “Sometimes they need a little gentle prodding.”
“Ah.” I didn’t know what else to say. This was one uncomfortable conversation and it had only just started. I wasn’t a fan of hurting animals…or people.
He leaned in and almost whispered in my ear. “A crop can be used for pleasure, too. If you’re interested.” His aftershave was stronger, almost cloying, once I processed his words.
I turned to Goldie and gave her a look. I darted my eyes from her to Dex and told her via female telepathy that I needed rescuing.
I feigned ignorance once I turned back to face Dex. He smiled, his teeth super white against his tanned skin.
“If a woman is unsure of what she wants, a little redirection can help.” He slapped the crop gently into his palm.
“You mean what you want.”
He gave a quiet laugh, his breath warm against my face.
“A man knows what’s best and it’s important for a woman to remember that.”
“So you beat her into submission?”
Dex tsked me. “Submission, yes. Beating? No. Punishment for forgetting her place.”
And there you had it.
“Hello,” Goldie said. Finally. She took her sweet ass time to get over here. She held out her hand daintily.
Dex smiled at Goldie and shook hands. “Drake Dexter.”
“This is Goldie, my mother-in-law,” I said in way of introduction. We weren’t lingering, so I didn’t think last names were necessary.