Page 4 of Butt Stuff
“No,” I reply, quickly swallowing my mouthful of hamburger. His mom insists on good manners at the table. “I was working night shifts for my Dad during school. I’ll be around more often now that summer’s here.”
“What do you do?” Violet asks.
“I’m training to be a locksmith, at least during the night shifts. Now that I’ll be doing daytime stuff, he’ll probably keep me in the office so that I can learn that side of things.”
“Are you going to take over his business one day?” She seems honestly interested.
I shrug. “Maybe. I don’t think he expects me to, but he wants me to be prepared if I do. And either way, both are good training for the real world.”
“I start my internship next week,” James cuts in. “Don’t let Luke get all the credit for forward thinking.”
We grin at each other. With the job market in the crapper the way it is, we both want to have as much experience under our belts as possible for when we graduate next year.
“Good,” James’ dad booms. “You boys are smart. You’re going to go places.”
“Thanks Mr. Potts,” I say before digging back into my food.
Violet’s foot slides up my calf and I jerk my leg away.
“You okay, Luke?” asks their mom.
“Fine, fine, just thought I felt a mosquito bite.” I reach down to scratch my leg and somehow end up touching Violet’s calf again. I can’t decide if she’s more or less annoying now than she used to be.
After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Potts take the dishes inside and Violet cleans them. I offer to dry so I can have a word with her.
“What the hell did you think you were doing out there?” I keep my voice low so no one can hear us. James and his parents are still outside, enjoying the nice night and having an after-dinner drink, but the windows and back door are open.
She smirks at me. “What’s the matter, never played footsie?”
“Not in front of anyone’s parents,” I snap back. “What’s with you?”
Vi’s blue eyes darken stormily.
“What’s with you?” she repeats back at me, her words sharp and accusing. She turns and her barely covered breasts brush my arm.
I jump back.
“Getting erections looking at your best friend’s little sister?”
“Erection, singular.”
Quick as a whip, Vi grabs one of the triangles of her top and pulls it aside, exposing a perfectly pink nipple. Very deliberately, she puts her forefinger from her opposite hand to her lips, lewdly licking the tip of her finger and then bringing it down to her nipple, circling the pink bud and teasing it to hardness.
I swallow. Hard. Twice. And shift my legs because I’ve got major wood again. I whip my eyes away, but they return of their own volition, like my free will has been subsumed by her finger and her nipple. Sweat is beading my forehead. Heavy footsteps sound on the wooden deck outside and Violet quickly covers herself again, while I adjust my erection so that it’s tucked into the band of my swimsuit and not as noticeable.
The look she gives me is very recognizable; she’s saying “I told you so” with her eyes. Somehow, now it’s cute instead of infuriating. Well, maybe it’s a little infuriating.
“Thanks for doing the dishes kids,” Mr. Potts says in his booming voice as he walks past us through the kitchen. “I’m off to bed.”
Violet trots over to him, giving me a view of her delicious backside as she gives him a kiss on the cheek. “Night, Daddy.”
Mr. Potts works early in the morning so he always goes to bed early, and I know Mrs. Potts will be following him soon. She likes to try and keep on the same schedule as him.
Violet, James and I end up rewatchingScreamand drinking. Well, James and I drink. He won’t let Vi, although I see her sneak a couple sips of his beer when he goes to the bathroom. A few sips isn’t going to hurt her, so I don’t say anything. James must have either had more to drink than I thought while he was sitting out with his parents or was just really tired for some reason, because by the end of the movie he’s passed out on the couch.
“Well shit,” I say, looking at his passed-out bulk.
Vi glances at him and shrugs.