Page 3 of Butt Stuff
“Yeah, cause you’re so old at twenty-one, Grandpa.”
Somehow, she's gotten me cornered at one end of the pool. My wood is starting to fade, thank god. Then she stands, water dripping off of her gorgeous mounds; the pale yellow of her bathing suit has gone nearly opaque now that it's wet and I can clearly see the outline of her hard nipples. Wood is back. Raging wood.
"Stand up," she orders. "The water's only three feet here, I'll be able to see if you're telling the truth."
"I can't."
"Stand up or let me feel it. Those are your options."
"Come on Vi..."
"Five... four... three..."
I stand before she can come at me. I know she will. We've all played around in this pool enough that I know she's just as good at water-wrestling as any guy, and if I have to grapple with her while she's wet and almost naked who knows what will come popping out. And if James comes out here and sees me touching his sister, I might very well be courting death.
Violet's eyes get big. "Wow," she mutters. "Go Luke."
"Thanks," I say dryly, sinking back down. I can't believe she made me freaking blush. "Now can you please go put on some clothes before your brother comes out here and kicks my ass?"
Violet laughs. "Only because you asked nicely."
To add insult to injury, she blows a kiss at me before stepping out of the pool. The back of her suit is just as hot as the front, her butt cheeks are hanging halfway out and the dampness of the fabric makes it cling to her crack.
She turns her head over her shoulder and catches me staring at her ass. I duck my head as she laughs, a happily triumphant sound.
“Will you come to my birthday party next Saturday?” she asks sweetly.
“Sure, sure.”
Watching her walk away does absolutely nothing to help my erection situation. Blue balls, here I come. I wish I could jerk off, but I’m too afraid of James coming out and catching me.
I walk around in the cool water thinking about old women, baseball, James’ fist pounding me into the ground…
When he finally returns, I’m back in my chair, lounging, the situation thankfully walked off.
“So what’d your mom say?”
He groans. “She bought the suit for Vi, if you can believe that. Thinks it’s great that Violet’s finally getting a better body image.”
Remembering how Violet had taken my comments, I could kind of understand that, but wow was that a racy bikini to buy your daughter.
“Well she went back inside, for now.”
“Thank god.”
“Don’t be too down on her man, she really does have bad body image.”
James looks at me like I’m crazy.
“What? She’s like my sister, I don’t want her to feel like shit about herself even if she does annoy the crap out of me.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he mutters. He keeps glancing at me though, like he’s trying to figure out what’s going on in my head. But I’ll be damned if I let him keep making Violet feel like she doesn’t look amazing, because she does and she should know that.
Two days later James and I are back at the pool and trying to ignore Violet as she tans herself. Today’s bikini is slightly more substantial, although that’s probably because her parents are home and her dad is grilling dinner. I’m doing my best not to think about all the skin that was revealed the other day.
Dinner is… awkward. Violet is sitting next to me and her lower leg keeps brushing against mine which is extremely distracting. As is the fact that she’s sitting next to me in her bikini.
“It’s so nice to have you over here for dinner, Luke,” James’ Mom says brightly. “We don’t see enough of you these days. Do you have a special lady that you’re spending all your time with?”