Page 95 of Dark Awakening: Hidden Currents
"Shai," Wonder said. "I'll talk to him. How did the meeting go?" she asked Amanda. "Any news on the saboteur?"
"No one came forward, but some clowns left funny comments. Joking aside, the comments hinted at a lot of resentment toward newcomers."
When Marina winced, Amanda waved a hand. "Not you, darling. No one minds the few humans. They just don't like your formerbosses, and some still think that Kalugal's men are dangerous." She lifted the cappuccino and took a grateful sip. "Oh, this is fabulous." She took another sip and put the cup down. "Let's talk about happier subjects. We have a wedding to plan!"
The word 'wedding' sent a thrill through Marina's body, but it was accompanied by a churn in her stomach. It still felt surreal that she was going to marry an immortal.
"I've been thinking," Amanda continued. "How would you feel about having the ceremony on the village's central lawn?"
The central lawn was a beautiful space, a wide-open green area that was surrounded by trees, shrubs, and flowerbeds. The problem was that Marina and Peter didn't have that many friends. Having a small ceremony in a large clearing would feel awkward.
"Isn't it too big for a small wedding?"
"Why small?" Amanda leaned over the counter. "We love weddings, as you saw on the cruise. The entire village will show up. I can mobilize the Odus and Peter's friends to help make it absolutely beautiful." She spread her arms. "Picture twinkling lights in the trees, tables with white tablecloths, a band playing?—"
"What band?" Wonder asked. "We don't have a band."
"We do, but they haven't played together for a long time. We also have a great singer, but she is not here yet."
"Are you talking about Jasmine?" Marina asked.
"How is she doing?
Amanda smiled. "She's tending to her prince."
Marina wasn't sure what Amanda meant by that, but Wonder seemed to know and gestured to Amanda to keep quiet.
Amanda waved a dismissive hand. "Soon, everyone will know."
Marina looked at Wonder and then at Amanda. "What are you talking about?"
"Never mind." Amanda sighed. "You will find out shortly. Back to the wedding. Did you start looking at dresses?"
"Where? In the city?"
Peter was allowed to take her out whenever she wanted, but it felt wrong to shop for a wedding dress with her groom. In the romance books she had read, it was said that the groom wasn't supposed to see the bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony. That it was bad luck.
"Can I get one online?"
"Fates forbid." A mischievous glint appeared in Amanda's eye. "That was done before when we were time-crunched, but that's not the case now, and you deserve a fabulous dress custom-designed for you. I have just the person in mind."
Amanda pulled out her phone and made a video call.
A stylish woman with sleek black hair and sharp, intelligent eyes appeared on the screen. "Amanda. It is so wonderful to hear from you. How did all those cruise weddings go?"
"Beautifully. I have another client for you, Vivienne darling. My dear friend Marina needs a wedding dress, and it has to be absolutely spectacular."
As Amanda turned the camera toward her, Marina smiled and waved. "Hi."
The woman peered through the screen, her gaze appraising as it swept over Marina. "Hmm, yes, I can work with this. Blue hair is an interesting choice. We'll need to consider the color palette accordingly."
Marina smoothed a hand over her hair. "I can change the color if it's a problem."
Vivienne's face broke into a warm smile. "No need. On the contrary. I love a challenge. Don't worry, darling. I will create something magnificent for you. I'll sketch out some ideas and call you back in half an hour." She ended the call.
Half an hour? She could come up with ideas and sketch them so quickly?