Page 94 of Dark Awakening: Hidden Currents
That sounded like something Ell-rom would do. He had so many questions about the world of immortals that she couldn't answer.
"Would you like to visit Morelle while you wait?" Gertrude asked.
"That's a good idea. I can sing to her."
Gertrude smiled. "In that case, leave the door open so I can enjoy your singing."
Something in Jasmine's chest eased at the implied compliment. "No problem."
Since Ell-rom's awakening, she had been thrust into the role of a caretaker, a cheerleader, and an educator, and along the way, she had lost her sense of self. She had to remind herself that she did not exist just to be Ell-rom's mate. She was a performer, and it was a big part of her identity. It was unwise to let that slip away.
It dawned on her then that the hovering was the result of her forgetting that she had wants and needs that did not involve Ell-rom. He had become her entire world, and she was terrified of anything happening to him. Ostensibly, that wasn't a bad thing and could be interpreted as an expression of her love for him, but it could also be suffocating.
Damn. Relationships should come with an operating manual. Love and respect were the foundation, but a house needed much more than that to become a home, and all those intricate details were so damn nuanced.
How much care was too much, and how much was too little?
How many displays of affection were reaffirming, and how many were overwhelming?
How did people navigate those nuances to build a successful relationship?
No wonder so few couples were genuinely happy with each other. Those were the lucky ones who found their perfect match by chance, and their language of love and care fit well together.
As she opened the door to Morelle's room, the sight of Ell-rom's sister, still and silent on the bed, tugged at Jasmine's heart. Today, however, something was different. Morelle lay on her side, propped up by pillows at her back.
Jasmine looked over her shoulder at Gertrude. "Why is she on her side? Did she get bedsores?"
Even though Morelle was still in a coma, her immortal body should have been able to fix small things like that.
"It's not good for her to lie on her back all the time," Gertrude said. "We turn her onto her side periodically to prevent complications."
Jasmine didn't want to know what those complications might be. She wanted an honest answer to the question that the medical staff might not answer truthfully with Ell-rom within earshot.
"Is she going to wake up? Tell me the truth. If the prognosis isn't good, I won't tell Ell-rom, but I'll start preparing him for the possibility."
The nurse's expression softened. "The doctors are being honest with Ell-rom. We are doing everything we can for her. Her immortal physiology is working while she sleeps, fixingwhatever went wrong when she was in stasis. Her inner organs need rebuilding."
That was a piece of information the doctors had not shared with Ell-rom, and Jasmine wondered if it was an oversight or if they had just decided not to disclose that to him.
Jasmine sighed, gently squeezing Morelle's hand. "Ell-rom tries to hide it, but I know how much he worries about his sister. She needs to wake up soon."
A playful glint appeared in Gertrude's eye. "Maybe she's just waiting for her prince to wake her with a kiss. That's how it works in the fairy tales, isn't it?"
Jasmine chuckled. "And where am I supposed to find a prince for Morelle?"
Gertrude shrugged, her smile widening. "You're a witch. Why don't you scry for one?"
The laughter that bubbled up from Jasmine's chest felt cleansing, releasing some of the tension she'd been carrying. "As witches go, I don't even have the skill of an apprentice, but I'll get right on it. I'm sure that in no time handsome princes from all over the world will be lining up to kiss the comatose alien princess."
Marina smiled as Amanda breezed in, her presence immediately filling the café with excitement. The woman certainly knew how to make an entrance.
"Hello, darling!" Amanda settled onto a stool at the counter. "I'm dying for a cappuccino. I didn't have time to grab one before rushing into the council meeting, and I'm parched." She sighed dramatically. "I wanted to prove to Kian that I could be on time, and I regretted that decision the entire meeting. Kian didn't even think to get water bottles for the council members."
Marina looked at Wonder. "We should supply the meetings. Does Kian have an assistant?"