Page 35 of The Orc Protector's Secret Baby
Up ahead, the path narrows between two large rock formations. I move toward it, hoping the tight space will slow my pursuers. My leg screams in protest with each step but I grit my teeth and keep going.
As I enter the rocky passage, my foot catches a protruding stone. I am too slow to react. I hit the ground hard, the impact knocking the breath from my lungs.
Gasping, I start to rise but freeze at the unmistakable sound of a bowstring being drawn taut behind me.
There is no time to dodge as the arrow pierces the side of my neck in a burst of searing pain. I cry out, clasping a hand to the wound as my lifeblood gushes between my fingers.
Through the haze of pain, I see the rebel orcs surround me, their weapons poised to deliver the final blow. But I will not give them the satisfaction of surrender.
Mustering the last of my strength, I surge to my feet with a roar. Before they can react, I barrel into the nearest orc, knocking him back into his comrades. They stagger, momentarily stunned. It's just the opening I need.
Ignoring the fiery agony in my neck, I take off running once more. The forest path swims before me and my legs threaten to collapse. But I push on through sheer force of will.
I cannot die here today. Not until I find Hayden. My vision darkens at the edges, yet still I run. I will not give in to unconsciousness. Hayden needs me.
Each pounding step sends fresh agony through my wounded neck. I can feel blood pouring down my chest and soaking my torn shirt as I stagger drunkenly down the forest path. My makeshift bandage is soaked through.
The edges of my vision are going dark. I'm dangerously close to passing out from blood loss. But through sheer force of will, I put one foot in front of the other. I cannot stop.
Glancing back, I see the hulking shapes of the rebel orcs pursuing me. Thankfully, they are still some distance away—my sudden break for freedom seems to have gained me a little ground. But I know it is only temporary.
My body feels like lead, each movement draining what little strength I have left. The trees around me sway and blur. I trip over roots and rocks that my fading vision cannot make out.
Still, I drive myself onward. Hayden's face flashes through my mind, giving me a final burst of desperation. I have to find her. I cannot fail her now.
Up ahead, I can just make out a small hollow at the base of a massive tree. It will have to do for cover. Stumbling to the tree, I collapse inside the hollow, pressing my back against the trunk.
For a moment, the world spins around me. It takes all my effort not to sink into oblivion. As the dizziness passes, I peer out and see the orcs approaching. One points toward my hiding place and they pick up speed.
I fumble for my knife with weak, blood-slicked fingers. I may only have seconds left, but I will not go down without a fight. If this is to be my end, I will take as many of them with me as I can.
Closing my eyes, I picture Hayden one last time. Then I steel myself, ready to attack as soon as the rebels come within range.
Hayden's face centers me, giving purpose to my fading consciousness. I cannot give up now. Not when her fate is still uncertain.
My people need me, but I know Hayden needs me more. I made a promise to protect her, to keep her safe. I cannot break that vow.
The approaching footsteps drag me back. The rebels will be upon me in moments. But I will not go down quietly. Gripping my knife, I focus my mind on Hayden—her smile, her laugh, the future we are meant to have together.
I promised her a life. I aim to deliver it. These bastards will not take that away.
Mustering the last dregs of my strength, I burst from my hiding place with a savage roar. The first orc falls beneath my blade, my knife slashing across his throat in a spray of crimson.
The others rush to attack but their movements seem sluggish to my battle-heightened senses. I dodge and weave, my knife finding purchase in flesh and muscle. Blood coats my skin but I do not stop, cutting down one orc after another in a frenzied dance of steel.
But it cannot last. My injuries slow me as the rebels keep coming. A fallen orc grabs onto my ankle, preventing me from running. Another slices my bicep with an axe as he stands in front of me, blocking the way.
I must break free. Locking eyes with the largest orc, I charge straight for him. He braces for impact but at the last second I drop and slide between his legs. Before the others can react, I am on my feet and sprinting for freedom once more.
I hear their enraged cries behind me but I do not look back. I must keep going. For Hayden. For the future I have sworn we will have together.
My body threatens to give out with each agonizing step. But I force myself onward through the haze of pain. I must make it to the Burning Sun clan's territory. Their healers are my only hope now.
The forest thins ahead. Using the last of my energy, I burst from the treeline into the scrubby plain that marks the borderlands between clans. In the distance, I can see the Burning Sun camp—safety within my grasp.
With a desperate cry, I push my shredded muscles to their limit. The wounds on my neck and limbs scream in protest, but I no longer have the strength to cry out. My head spins with blood loss. It takes all my will not to collapse.
Somehow I remain upright as I stagger into the camp, weaving drunkenly past tents and cookfires. Orcs shout in alarm at my bleeding, disheveled appearance. I try to call for aid but only a weak rasp leaves my lips.