Page 34 of The Orc Protector's Secret Baby
The rebel lands a punch right in the middle of my unprotected stomach. I hunch over, groaning and coughing. But my hand finally wraps around the familiar handle of my knife.
As he begins to run at me, preparing for the final blow, I pull all my strength to push his fist aside and stab him straight in the shoulder.
The rebel cries out in pain as I sink my knife deeper.
“Where is she?” I growl, my face inches from his. “What have you done with Hayden?”
He stares at me, confusion mixing with the agony on his face. “Who?”
I twist the blade, making him howl. “The human woman who lives in these woods. What have you bastards done with her?”
My breaths are shaky and ragged as I hover threateningly over this orc. Any sense of morality I hold is fading. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to find Hayden once again.
When he doesn't respond, I pull the knife out and stab his other shoulder. “Answer me!”
“I don't know who you're talking about,” he screams. “We haven't taken any women!”
I'm not convinced. “How long have your forces been in this area?”
“I-I don't know exactly, a few days?” he stammers.
“And in all that time you never came across a lone human woman living in these woods?” I demand.
He shakes his head frantically. “No, never saw anyone like that!”
I growl in frustration. Could he be telling the truth? Hayden is clever at evasion; perhaps she escaped before they came… but how can I be sure?
I press the knife against his throat. “If you're lying to me, I'll be back to finish the job. Tell me now—did any of your men mention capturing or killing a human woman?”
“No, no! I swear it!” His eyes are wild with fear.
Though uncertainty still eats at me, his claims of ignorance seem genuine. Finally, I accept he truly doesn't know anything about Hayden's fate. But that brings me no relief. She is still missing, her whereabouts unknown.
I remove the knife from his shoulder, ready to end the job. I have wasted enough time here. Finding Hayden is all that matters now.
Suddenly, I hear heavy footsteps and guttural roars in the distance. I whip my head around to see a group of hulking rebel orcs charging out of the woods towards my position.
There are more than I can count, all decked in layers of armor and holding shoddy weapons. Matted fur and scars cover their muscular frames. Their eyes burn with bloodlust as they barrel towards me.
Cursing under my breath, I swiftly slice off the head of the orc beneath me. No time to clean my blade—I leap to my feet and run for the cover of the trees.
Arrows whiz past my head as the rebels shoot at my fleeing form. I pump my legs harder, my lungs burning with effort. But the blood dripping from my earlier wounds blurs my vision. I can barely see where I'm going.
An arrow grazes my shoulder and I stumble. No, I can't stop! If I'm captured here, I'll never find Hayden. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I push myself faster through the woods.
More arrows follow me, thudding into trees and bouncing off rocks. I throw myself to the ground as one comes perilously close to my head. Rolling back to my feet, I keep running in a zig-zag pattern, denying the hulking warriors an easy target.
But exhaustion weighs on my limbs. My reactions are slowing, my ability to dodge arrows fading. As I burst from the treeline, my foot catches on an exposed root. I stumble for just a second.
Before I can regain my footing, an arrow plunges into the back of my thigh. Agony lances through me and I roar. Glancing back, I see the muscled rebels have emerged from the woods. In seconds they will be upon me.
With a desperate cry, I straighten my back and try to pick up my pace. My leg threatens to give out under me, but I force it to bear my weight. I cannot stop. Hayden needs me.
Gripping my knife, I stagger away as fast as my wounded body allows. Just a little farther. I have to survive this. For her. If just to see her one last time.
My vision is dimming as blood continues dripping into my eyes. I can barely make out the forest path ahead of me as I stagger onward. I push my aching body faster.
The enraged cries of the rebel orcs ring out behind me as they give chase. I don't dare look back. I can hear their heavy footfalls gaining ground.