Page 35 of Don't Fall For Your Fake Boyfriend
I open up Brock’s name and send him a little text.
Me: Hi.
It’s short and simple, and I feel giddy after I hit send.
Brock: Hi. I’ve been thinking about you all morning long.
Me: Sorry I fell asleep.
I blush at the memory. I tried to stay awake, but I guess my body had been waiting for a release like that for years. I couldn’t have stayed awake if I wanted to. And boy, did I want to.
Brock: It’s okay. I know how good I am. I wore you out.
I smile, tapping away at the keys, laughing at Brock’s cocky reply.
Me: Maybe you bored me to sleep.
Brock: Ha. I don’t think so, Willow. You definitely weren’t bored into sleeping. It’s okay, you don’t have to admit you have a little thing for me.
Me: I do not have a thing for you.
Even after I type the words, I know I’m lying. It’s crazy, but I’ve developed this full-blown crush on Brock. And I’m not sure what to do about it.
Brock: Don’t worry. Tonight you definitely won’t be bored.
Me: Promise?
Brock: Willow, I promise I’m going to make you come harder than you ever have before. I’m going to make you scream louder than you ever have before, and I’m going to make you literally crawl up the walls in pleasure. I can’t wait to be deep inside you.
My skin erupts into flames. I’m sure I’m blushing, and I don’t even care. I squeeze my legs together as I try to calm my pounding heart.
Me: I’ll give you credit for one thing, and one thing only… your dirty talk is on point.
Brock: You can try to deny the fact that you loved having my tongue all over you. I know the truth. You want me…almost as much as I want you.
Me: How bad do you want me?
Brock: You have no idea, but I’ll show you tonight.
Chapter 16
“So close,” Tripp shouts, throwing his golf club.
“We’re definitely not the golfing type. We should’ve gone to hit balls at the batting cages,” I say, laughing at Tripp’s reaction.
“It’s just something fun to do,” Paxton says, swinging and missing his ball completely. “Fuck!”
“Yeah, a lot of fun,” I say.
“When it’s your wedding, you can decide on what fun we get to have,” Callum says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
“How about we worry about your wedding, big brother?”
“I don’t need to worry about that. Paxton is getting married. Shepherd has a baby. Anya is in love. You’ve got a new relationship. Mom hasn’t mentioned one thing to me about marriage or relationships because you guys are keeping her nice and busy,” he says with a smirk.
He’s not wrong. My mother hasn’t stopped smiling since we got here. Her son is getting married, her first grandson is here, and she’s watching her other children in their relationships. The only thing is once we leave Vegas, my relationship is over.