Page 23 of Stoney Gazes for Helpful Gorgons
"Huh, I didn't think of those."
"And shishis."
"I don't know what a shishi is," he admits.
"You know the guardian lions from outside Chinese temples?" I pick up a chip and bite into it while I wait for him to respond.
He nods.
"Those are depictions of shishis. I didn't realise the supernatural type was also made of stone until I was researching it after we failed to turn you into stone."
"I didn't realise you'd kept looking into it," he says.
"I hoped there'd be something about it online that could help," I admit. "I didn't like that we failed, even if I wouldn't have liked it if I accidentally turned you into stone either."
"I'm sorry I asked."
"Don't be. It's actually been really interesting looking into my magic. I've never really done it very much. I just wish..." My voice catches in my throat.
"That your granny was around for you to ask?" he guesses.
I nod. "She always knew the answers to my questions. When I think about it now, I guess that just means she always took the time to look things up for me."
A car appears on the road and I pause in the street to avert my gaze. I don't know if my powers will work through the glass windshield, but it's better to be safe and not risk turning someone into stone while they're driving.
"You know what the hardest thing about losing Mum?" Jack asks once the car is gone.
"Tell me." I don't even consider not asking him. He's helped me so much already, and even if I suppose our failed attempt at me turning him into stone was me helping him, I want to do it more.
"My dad."
"Your dad?" I echo, not following.
He sighs and scrunches his empty pizza wrapper into a ball, tossing it into the bin we're passing. "He's changed so much in the past six months. I used to believe my parents were so in love, but now, I'm not so sure."
"What's he doing?"
"What's he not doing?" he mutters. "He never checks in with me, and barely checks in with my brother at home either. He's thirteen and school is...well school. He needs Dad to step up and Dad's too busy buying cars and dating."
"Dating? After six months?"
Jack snorts. "He started dating about two weeks after the funeral. Or that's what he told us anyway, but it's all making me doubt what I thought I knew. I know he's allowed to move on, I just thought it would take longer to happen."
I reach out and put my free hand on his arm. "I'm sorry."
He gives me a weak smile. "I'm not even ready to date. What would I have to offer someone in this state?" He waves over himself.
"Anyone would be lucky to have you," I counter. "You're sweet, and funny, and smart. Okay, so you're a bit sad at the moment, but isn't everyone?"
He snorts. "I think you're just saying that because you're a bit sad too."
"Oh, I'm a lot sad. You're way more balanced than I am when it comes to this stuff."
"Maybe I'm just doing a good job at repressing it all."
"I don't think so," I respond. "But what do I know? This is all new to me."
"You've been doing great so far. I think. I don't really know, I'm just going by how I felt when everything happened."