Page 2 of Stoney Gazes for Helpful Gorgons
"Rhea? Are you okay?"
I bite my bottom lip, thinking about the best way to answer without making her feel really bad about the situation. "I'm fine."
The expression on her face says she doesn't believe me.
"Granny died," I whisper. "A few weeks ago."
"The one with all the snakes?"
I nod and look back at the painting. "She's the one who took me to the museum to the original. She stood me in front of it and told me that I was capable of anything. I'd never seen a gorgon painted like this before." A tear rolls down my cheek.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know."
"There was no way for you to. I didn't tell anyone, I've just been trying to focus on doing my coursework and existing." Even if it hurts to know she's no longer in the world.
"You know you can talk to me if you need to." She raises her hand as if she wants to reach out and give me a reassuring pat but thinks better of it and drops her hand back to her side. "You helped me when I was in the most vulnerable position in my life."
"I know." Which is why I'm telling her now. Considering how much she told me about herself and her life when she'd forgotten everything, I know she can be trusted when it comes to things like this. "I'm just not ready to talk about it."
She nods. "It's probably not my place, but I think there's a grief support place on campus. If that's something you're ready for."
"Maybe, I don't know," I admit honestly. "None of it feels real most of the time."
"I can imagine."
A shout comes from across the room and we both turn to find a poor waitress having to pick up glasses from the floor.
I hurry over, setting my wine down on a table and crouching down to help her pick them up.
"You don't have to do that," she says.
"It's fine, I'd want help if I was in your position," I respond, loading them back onto the tray. At least most of them appear not to have broken in the fall.
She offers me an uneasy smile. "Thanks."
For a brief moment, I worry that she thinks I'm going to turn her into stone because we're so close, but a quick touch of my glasses rids me of that concern, they're still firmly on my face where they should be, and I haven't drunk enough to have to worry about not having taken the potion that blocks my magic.
"I think that's all of them," she says, stepping back and surveying the broken glass and liquid all over the floor. "I'm going to go get a mop, please don't touch the broken bits."
I nod and step back, picking up my wine and taking a sip, feeling useful even if the waitress probably didn't actually need my help cleaning up. But at least it's taken my mind off Granny and missing her, though the ache is never gone for long.
I'm just not used to a world where I know she isn't in it. Maybe Sera is onto something about the grief support group. I might need something like that more than I realise.
Chapter 2
I look up at the student union building, slightly surprised that this is where the grief support session is being held, even if it makes total sense. I think I'm more used to coming here for social events or to buy textbooks at extortionate prices from the campus bookstore.
Rattle slithers down onto my shoulder and lets out a soft hiss.
"I don't know if I'm going in," I answer him. "I'm not sure I'm ready to talk about this."
My other snake comes to join him on my other shoulder.
I sigh. "Seriously, guys? Are you really ganging up on me right now?" I know that isn't really possible, but they certainly act like it sometimes.
Both of them hiss in unison. I don't really know what they're saying, but sometimes it helps me to pretend that they're urging me to do things. Especially things I'd rather avoid.