Page 1 of Stoney Gazes for Helpful Gorgons
Chapter 1
The room is buzzing, more so than I expected it to be when Sera and I decided to do a mixer for art history students. I didn't even know there were this many at the academy, though I suppose between the other years and everyone's hangers-on, it makes sense.
I look around the room, searching for my study partner. She should be here somewhere, not only was this our joint idea, but the bar is part of the museum she works in. I don't know whose idea it was to put it here, but it's definitely the perfect place for a group of future art historians and archeologists to hang out and get to know one another better.
I head over to the bar and get myself a glass of rosé. My student budget doesn't stretch to many drinks while I'm out somewhere, but I want to support Sera and show her boss that letting us hold this at the museum is a good idea.
As if she's summoned by my thoughts, I spot the phoenix heading towards me with a dark-haired guy in tow. It takes me a moment to recognise him from her phone background, but all the pieces fall into place then. This must be Hugo, the best friend turned boyfriend.
"Rhea!" She waves happily.
I force a smile. Not because she's draining on me personally or anything like that, there's just a lot going on. "Hi, Sera," I respond.
"This is Hugo." She gestures to the other phoenix.
"It's good to meet you," I say. "And to put a proper face to the name. Sera's told me a lot about you."
"Hopefully nothing bad."
"We met while I'd forgotten everything," Sera says.
He grimaces. "Well, hopefully nothing too bad then."
"I can assure you, she said nothing terrible."
Sera flashes me a grateful smile. "Oh, have you had a chance to look at the painting on the south wall yet?"
I shake my head.
"It's only a copy, they don't want to risk the real things in the bar area, but I think you'll like it. It's actually why I suggested having the mixer here."
"Okay, I'm intrigued," I admit. "What painting is it?" And why does she think I'm particularly going to like it?
"You'll have to go see," she responds cryptically.
I chuckle nervously. "I guess I can do that."
"We're going to get drinks," she says. "Do you want anything?"
"All set," I respond, lifting my wine glass.
Sera nods and they head to the bar, leaving me to decide what to do with myself. I guess I could go and check out the painting she's so eager for me to see. I'm not sure exactly why she thinks it's going to be special, but I'm willing to trust her.
I consider lingering to talk to her more, but I don't want to bother her when she's spending time with Hugo.
It's easy to dodge through the crowd, no one is paying me much attention. Whether it's because everyone already has their circle of friends, or no one wants to be friends with a gorgon, I don't know for sure, but the result is the same. Me and my snakes are typically avoided.
The south wall has several paintings on it, but it's easy to figure out which one it is that Sera wants me to see. A gorgon stands proud with her snakes coming off her head. Her fierce pose that would strike fear into any enemy. She carries an upraised sword and looks defiant as if she's the most respected woman in the world.
My world spins around as I stare at it. I've spent so much time looking at this painting that I know it by heart, and it's sweet of Sera to remember that I said this painting was the reason I wanted to study.
But that knowledge does nothing to stop the torment from bubbling up inside me. Tears spring to the corners of my eyes and it's all I can do to suppress a sob. I grip the stem of my wine glass as firmly as possible and try to get the sorrow back in, but it isn't enough. My snakes shift amongst my braids and slither onto my shoulders. I reach up to touch each of their heads in turn, getting a soft hiss from both in response.
"It's an amazing painting," Sera says, making me jump. "Sorry, I thought you knew I was here."
I sniff. "It is amazing," I respond.