Page 8 of Predator
Or it had been.
Della has changed all that. She’s changed everything inside me, and what I want now is so dark and deep that I can’t close my eyes without the image of the woman on her knees, my cock lodged in her throat, and her abilities bringing us both insurmountable pleasure.
There’s so much more, too, more that should be illegal. In some states, it probably is. I’ll work her up to it. She’ll be begging me for everything by the time I finish with her.
“You’re up early.” Carter enters the kitchen, where I’ve been contemplating all the things I learned about Della over the last few hours.
“She feels emotions.” I watch him freeze while reaching for a cup as I add, “She can heal people, too?” Fuck that is still amazing to me.
“She told you?” He’s surprised.
“Didn’t have much choice after I kissed her.” The cup shatters as he slams it on the marbled granite and spins to me, fury dancing across his features.
“The fuck did you just say, Holy?” Oh, he knows.
“It happened, Carter, get over it.” I grew up with my little brother, a true psychopath, nobody fucking scares me. “She’s a big girl, and if she didn’t want it, I wouldn’t have continued. But it was enlightening because I got to know what’s really going on in those few seconds.”
He’s steaming mad but forces himself to clean up the shattered porcelain before grabbing a new cup and murmuring, “She’s my little girl.” I get that.
“I know. You want to protect her. Wouldn’t it be better if we were both emotionally invested?” I can see the wheels turning in his head at my question.
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.” A bark of laughter escapes me at his grumbling.
“No, it doesn’t, but it’s happening, Carter. I’ve felt her soul, and there’s nothing I want more than to bask in her light for as long as she’ll allow me to.” Carter hums his answer, but I can tell he doesn’t like it. I don’t blame the man, really; it’s his baby girl. I’d be protective as hell, too.
“I’m not just going to be okay with this. I wanted you here to protect her, not play with her heart.” He sounds tired.
“Tell me about her mother.”
“Out of the picture.” I raise an eyebrow in question at his feral growl. “The bitch left Della on my doorstep in the middle of the fucking night. You think I let that go?” I can’t hide my sick grin; I’d feel the exact same way.
“Fair enough. There going to be a fight if I take her away from here? Somewhere no one knows about, where she can let her guard down and just breathe.”
I watch as he thinks on it before sighing and shaking his head. “No. I’ve been thinking the same for a few months now. I hate the way she hides from the world, but I get it, and she’s taken it to a whole new level since whoever this asshole is has appeared.”
Pondering that explanation, I realize it’s time to implement my plan. “I’m meeting with Johnny and Nico today; Malice will likely be there. I need to surveil Sean, see what he looks like, figure out his motives.”
“You’ll be leaving, then?” Carter’s eyes move to the hall leading up to Della’s room.
“Not immediately. Look, Carter, I don’t mean any disrespect, but I’d like to keep most of my plans close to the vest for now. I need solid answers first. I will speak to Della before I go.” I need to soak in more of her light. It’s a craving, an addiction, growing and festering inside of me, and I plan to feed its growth.
* * *
Sitting in Della’s room, watching as she begins to awaken, I notice her fingers reach up to touch her lips as a sweet smile tugs at the corners, and I wonder if she’s thinking of our middle-of-the-night kisses. I sure as hell am.
“Della.” I speak her name softly so as not to alarm her.
“Holy.” Her eyes open gradually, and they land on me. I feel like I’ve been sucker punched because for as long as I’ve known Della, she’s never once looked like this. Her eyes are clear of worry, her features are softened with fondness, and she’s relaxed, not tense. I’d kill to see her like this every day for the rest of my life.
“What’s wrong?” She says she can’t read me, but I beg to differ; this woman knows more than anyone else.
“I’m leaving for a few days. I didn’t want you to hear it from anyone else but me.” Her lids drop, and she’s back to the Della of old, and I fucking hate it. “Della, I’m coming back.” She only nods as she pushes the covers off and makes to get up.
I stop her with my hands on her hips and pull her between my open thighs. Brushing my hands up her torso, under her top, I rub my thumbs along the side of her tits, dying for a mouthwatering taste. But it’ll have to wait.
Standing to my full height, I don’t say a word. I need her eyes on me. I need her to make the choice to really hear me when I tell her what I have to say.
Finally, she gives me what I want, guarded as the look may be. “I’m not leaving you, Della. I have to work, and that work involves keeping you safe. There is nothing more important.” She nods, but I’m not sure she’s hearing what I’m saying.