Page 7 of Predator
I’m swarmed with his emotions. They breach the walls he put up and invade my veins like a lost traveler, taking up residence inside my head and heart like he owns me.
Maybe, just maybe, in this moment, he does.
I hope he does.
My heart races while my body leans into his. Our tongues touch, and he’s more confident than I am, taking the lead and delving deeper. Tasting every inch of my mouth while his hands move down my body to lift me to straddle his lap.
One of us moans, or maybe it’s both, and suddenly, I’m pressed as tightly to him as if we are making love. Only our clothes are in the way.
My hands wrap around his neck as he grabs a chunk of my hair and tilts my head back, forcing the kiss deeper and stealing all rationale from my sanity as I get lost in how he’s feeling.
My skin prickles with awareness as I slowly tune into him. His lust, his need, this craving lurking beneath the surface that he hides from the world outside. It seeps in, slinking through my flesh in ripples of pleasure that are too much for my untried body to withstand.
The orgasm overtakes me before I fully understand what’s happening, and I whine into his mouth as I tense in his arms. Holy holds me tighter, kisses me deeper, and grinds his sex into my pulsing core as I continue to explode like stars falling from the sky.
Out of breath, terrified of what just happened, and amazed at how we came together with such incendiary force, I try to slip from his grip, but he won’t let me go.
“Not fucking likely.” His grasp in my hair tightens, securing me in his lap. “You need to fucking explain to me what the hell is happening…what just fucking happened because, Della, that wasn’t fucking normal.” His voice is husky, as if he’s been screaming for hours on end.
Swallowing past the nervous lump in my throat, I can’t form a thought, but he won’t let go until I do. “I’ve been like this my whole life.” The words come out barely above a whisper.
“What is it, and why the fuck did I have that reaction?” I frown at his words.
“What do you mean?” I’m the only one who has ever felt what happens.
“Della, I felt you. I don’t mean your body; I mean you…inside. Whatever was happening inside of you, I felt to my fucking core.”
“You did?” I whisper, horrified as he nods. “That’s never happened before.”
“So, how about you tell me what has happened before?” He tugs a bit harder than last time, so I’m forced to maintain eye contact.
Taking a deep breath, I spill my guts. “I can feel emotions. I can heal pain. I can touch a person and know their every thought and feeling.” His eyes narrow. “Usually, people don’t even know what’s happening, only me.”
“Usually…” The word hangs there.
“You’re the first person who has ever known what I’ve been feeling in return.” Closing my eyes, I prepare for the rejection to come. “I can’t read your thoughts like others, just what you feel.”
“What happened at the pier?” He saw that? Oh god.
“Before taking that drink after you had, I’d never been able to get a read on you. Aside from studying your body language, you’ve been a mystery. With Malice, I knew he was in love with Odette before even he did, I think. But you, you have always been an emotionless wall I couldn’t breach.” He nods for me to continue. “Wrapping my lips around the straw after you did, getting your saliva in my mouth, it triggered something. I don’t know what; I just know that right now, aside from the erection between my legs and the lust in your eyes, I have no idea what you feel or think. When we kissed, I felt everything. I was so overwhelmed with both of our desires that I had my first orgasm.” Might as well go for broke. It’s not like he’ll ever want to see me again, anyway.
Della is ten times more special than I could have imagined. I should be running for the fucking hills after what happened last night, after the things she confessed. With any other woman, I’d feel like I was being emotionally manipulated, but I felt her, as well.
Inside of me, I felt her pureness, and I knew that was not what was happening.
It’s a bunch of wacky woo-woo stuff I probably won’t ever understand, but now I know why it’s so imperative to Carter that she’s protected at all costs. Why he’d do anything for the young woman.
I will, too.
After she finally settled to sleep for the night, I watched her for a while. Memorizing the arch in her brows, the little dip in her chin, the way she hides her dimples. Those long fucking lashes are so damn sexy. The rise and fall of her chest held me captive because inside there is where I desire to know her most.
I am by no means a celibate man. I’ve had my fair share of women, from experienced to jaded to so innocent my teeth ached. Most of them, not of my own free will. What many don’t know, though I believe my brother Malice suspects, is that my mother pimped me out at a young age for money my father refused to give her.
Killing her was the best day of my fucking life.