Page 30 of Predator
After buckling up, I shoot CJ a text. I’ve been worried about her a lot lately and plan to speak to Odette about her when we have dinner tomorrow.
Della: Hey, did you get back to school okay?
We talk all the time, and normally, we’re quick to answer each other, so when I see she’s read my message but doesn’t reply, I grow more concerned.
Della: I’m here if you need to talk. Love you!
She leaves me on read again. I know better than to push her when she’s working through something, but I think this is more than her trying to figure a problem out. CJ has been half in love with Nico Moretti for years. His rejection was harsh, and I’m not sure she ever expected that.
Glancing out the window, I watch the scenery until we’re in the city, and I immediately notice that we aren’t heading towards Cece’s place. “Uh, Cowboy, what’s going on?”
He shoots me a look in the mirror with a smirk. “Change of plans?”
Narrowing my eyes on him, I scowl. “Says who?” He only shrugs. “Am I going to like it?” I get a sharp nod this time as we head in the direction that Holy took to his cabin. A bolt of fear jolts through me, but I shove it aside. Cowboy and Holy would never intentionally hurt me. And it’s only because of our direction that I know Holy is responsible for my bodyguard's change in plans.
A while later, we pull up in front of a cabin I didn’t think I’d see again. At least, not so soon. Cowboy opens my door, and as I get out, he goes to the trunk for a bag I hadn’t noticed before.
“I suppose you’re just going to go now?” Cowboy puts my bag on the deck before coming back to me.
“Those were my instructions. I was told to tell you to lock the doors and not go out after dark.” I stare, mouth agape, as he gets back in the vehicle and turns around.
“Where the hell is Holy?” I shout, but he just pops a hand out the window and waves.
I’m left here alone? No car to leave. Nothing. Do they not realize I am not an outdoorsy kind of girl without someone to take charge?
I’m going to kill them both.
Blowing out a deep breath, I take my bag inside and see everything is put back together, and I wonder if that’s what Holy and Malice have been doing the last couple of days. I decide to text Cece in case she isn’t aware of what’s going on.
Della: Change of plans. Holy had Cowboy abandon me at his cabin…
Cece: I know!
Della: Why did everyone know but me?
Cece: He wants to surprise you.
Della: Except I’m here alone with instructions to lock the doors and not leave the cabin at night. Which means Holy won’t even be here tonight!
Cece: You’ll be fine.
Della: If a bear eats me, I’m haunting you.
She replies with laughing emojis and bears. I’m trying to play it funny, but I do genuinely worry about the frightening creatures.
Putting my things away, I check the fridge to find it stocked and grab a water and an apple. Noticing a small basket on the table in the seating area, I peek inside to find a cache of jewels, gems, and the tools to make a few bracelets or necklaces.
Setting myself up at the table, I decide to craft to kill time and hopefully take my mind off the bears that I don’t really think are coming to eat me, but a girl can never be too careful.
So lost in what I’m doing, I don’t notice dusk approaching until I can no longer see what I’m doing. Stretching out, I get up and flick on some lights before turning on the kettle for a cup of tea.
As I wait for the water to boil, I hear the wind picking up and start to worry again about being here by myself. I don’t think I’ve ever been literally alone, and the more I focus on that, the more I worry about the isolation. Checking my phone to see what kind of coverage I have, there are three bars, which helps alleviate some of the brewing panic.
Strange noises bristle through the cabin, and I jump when a branch breaks somewhere beyond the walls I’m safely tucked behind.
Blowing out a breath, I play music on my phone to help drown out some of the noise. Doctoring my tea, I settle into the couch and continue my work. Not recognizing how tired the stress has made me, it’s not long before I slump over after closing my eyes for a minute and fall asleep.