Page 29 of Predator
Grabbing the shampoo, I lather it up before brushing my fingers through her hair. Della’s eyes close as she sways forward and rests against me so I can massage her scalp. The little moans she makes have my dick twitching and growing with the need to be inside her. Somewhere I’d like to be on a semi-permanent basis.
“Feels so good.” Her lips brush my chest. “I’ve never had anyone wash my hair before.”
Bending down, I whisper in her ear, “Get used to it because I’ll be doing it as often as I can in the future.” Her arms wrap around my waist and squeeze, and I sense all the things she’s having trouble saying, and I know she can feel what I am, too.
Her gifts never once gave me pause after discovering them. Not once did I think it would be too much to handle because I know Della’s heart. She’s pure and sweet, and she cares about more than those in her close-knit world. It’s why I’ll die to protect her from anything and anyone who could ever possibly be a threat to her safety and well-being.
Rinsing the soap from her hair, I cup her cheeks and gently lift her face so she has to look at me. “You know how much I love you, Del?”
Tears erupt like a volcano as she nods. “I know, Holy. I’ve always known.”
It’s been two weeks since being released from the hospital. As far as I know, everyone has either been captured or killed, and last I heard, the first girl I healed, Amy, was doing well in Florida with her grandparents. I’m relieved, to say the least, but also starting to get annoyed.
My father and Holy are treating me with kid gloves. Not allowing me to do anything by myself. I always have a shadow. Even Cowboy has gone to extremes lately. I feel like a stranger in my home, and I’m tired of it.
Deciding to take matters into my own hands, I grab my phone and call Cece. We were supposed to go to the market again next week, but I’m thinking today would be better.
“Della? Is everything okay?” She sounds like she’s been crying.
“Yes, fine. Are you okay?”
She sniffles, and I realize immediately I’m about to be lied to. “Perfect. I was just studying.”
Sighing, I want to wrap my young friend up in a big hug. Her mother is atrocious, and I wish she’d take my offer to move in here with me. “I was thinking of heading to the craft market; care to come?”
“Yes!” I smile at her enthusiasm.
“Great. Cowboy and I will come get you. Pack a bag so you can spend a few nights here.” I know she mostly does her schooling online now that Odette isn’t in class with her.
“Oh. Okay, sure. I’ll just tell…Mother.” The single word is filled with so much fear that I experience her anxiety through the phone.
“I’ll see you soon.” Hanging up, I get a bad feeling about what’s happening in her home, and being unaware does me no good.
Finding my father in his office, pacing, I wonder if he knows. “Dad?” He turns and smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Cowboy and I are going to get Cece and then heading to the market. She’s going to spend a few days here.”
He frowns but doesn’t argue. “Where’s Holy?”
My turn to be frustrated. “Malice needs his help with something, so he’ll be there for the day and likely night.” Holy wouldn’t tell me what the trouble was and refused my help. I know I’ve been a helpless girl for a long time, but I’m not entirely useless, and I hate that they see me as fragile. “I’ll let him know my plans after I leave.” Dad opens his mouth but swiftly closes it. He’s decided he doesn’t like getting in between Holy and me when we start arguing.
We’ve been doing that a lot. Mostly because he doesn’t like me doing anything, and I’m going insane.
It doesn’t help that I can strongly discern the distance between us because of all that’s happened. I don’t know if he’s freaked out or if he’s unsure about us. The sexual tension is still there, and I often wake up in the middle of the night, sweating and on the cusp of gratification because he holds me tenderly until morn. I feel his desire, but he doesn’t act on it, and I don’t know what to do.
“Cowboy!” I holler as I leave Dad's office. The man is right around the corner. “Get the car, please.” His eyes move to my father before nodding and doing as I ask. “I don’t need permission,” I grumble to the man behind me.
“I realize you don’t, sweetheart, and I’d never ask for you to request it. But please remember we found you on death's door that day. Seeing you in that state isn’t something Holy, Cowboy, or I will forget anytime soon. It’s ingrained in our memories.” Crap. Spinning around, I hug my father tight. The first thing he told me once I came home was that he was indeed my biological father, and the tension between us instantly melted away. He knew how important it was to my state of mind, so while I was in the hospital, he made sure to get a definitive answer.
“I’m sorry, Dad. I don’t mean to be difficult, but my experience was different. I hate what happened, but in a way, it freed me from thinking I was trapped with this gift. Now I see that it can actually help people, and I think I want the opportunity to do so.” I’ve been spending a lot of time speaking with Selena about how she helps people, not just as a nurse but as an empath as well, and I think I might have found a way to do the same but in a different capacity.
“I love you, Della. I just want you safe and happy.” Looking up at him, I can tell he’s sincere; I feel it in every fiber of my being.
“I know, and I’m getting there. I’d like the same for you, you know.” He growls when I wink. “Cece might be young, but she’d be so good for you.” It’s the first time I’ve outright said that to him. He hesitates because she’s younger than me, and he struggles with that. “Besides, we’re friends already. You don’t need to worry about her and I getting along.”
As Cowboy returns to tell me the car is ready, I kiss Dad on the cheek and skip my way outside, unsurprised to find another car ready to follow behind us.