Page 73 of Iron Rations
“But it wasn’t,” he grinned. “Is true love.”
I nearly rolled my eyes, but remembered that I was about to have my head chopped off. If he wanted to think Nicholas loved me, who was I to disabuse him from the notion?
“You’re right.”
“I am always right,” the Russian grinned.
“So…he saved my life and then the Russian mob came for us.”
“Ah, yes. It is not good to be on bad side of Russians.”
“Maybe you could talk to them,” I said hopefully.
“Is no good. I am not friends with them.”
My jaw nearly dropped at the confession. “Wait, you’re not part of the mob?”
“No. I am…how you say…interested party.”
How unlucky was that? I had the Russian mob after me and another Russian—who wasn’t associated with them—coming after me also. That had to be some kind of bad karma.
“And what is it you’re interested in?”
“Why, the eggs, of course.”
“Get in line,” I muttered under my breath.
“What is it you say?”
“Everyone wants them. I wouldn’t even have them, except for the fact that I can’t give them away. They’re too hot to sell.”
“It is good thing I am not buyer.” He shoved up from his chair, looking even more menacing than when I first saw him.
I started rambling, hoping I could delay the inevitable. “Like I said, we were surrounded by Russians. Just his friends Rae and Fox. I knew the mob would move in on us…” I swallowed hard as he started circling me. “Anyway, I took off with their car. I didn’t think I’d ever see them again. But…but they caught up to me at the same time the mob did. Just when I got the eggs back. Snatch made some horrible deal with them, trying to save his own ass. He might have mentioned that before he got me involved.”
“Yes,” he murmured, leaning over behind me. “It is terrible thing when friends do not include you in plans. I dealt with this myself not long ago. Only, it was me who betrayed my friend.”
“So…you know what I’m talking about,” I said hurriedly.
He wrapped his hands around my neck, applying just enough pressure to scare the shit out of me. “Yes, it is no good.”
“Right…that’s what I thought,” I rambled. “But Rae and Fox and Nicholas and FNG…they saved my life and?—”
“What?” the Russian asked, taking a step back and releasing my neck. He stalked around in front of me and narrowed his eyes. “What did you say?”
“Uh…I said that…” What was I saying? Fuck, I couldn’t remember. He was about to kill me.
“You said someone saved your life. Of whom do you speak?”
“Rae and Fox and Nicholas and F?—”
“NG,” he finished. His eyes sparkled in delight as he clapped his hands together and barked out a loud laugh. “This is wonderful!”
“Uh…what is?”
“You know FNG!”
“I…I do.”