Page 72 of Iron Rations
“Come, come. We are all in the same profession. You steal things. I kill people. It is all fair in thieving and killing.”
“I’m not sure that’s a phrase I would use.”
“It is phrase I would use,” he said with a shrug. “Please, tell me, where did you find these magnificent pieces?”
“What is it you want?”
“The eggs, of course,” he chuckled. “These belong to no man. Yet…I cannot help myself. Is too good to walk away from. Yes?”
“Yes,” I agreed.
“See? We have something in common already. Now, you tell me where you find these beautiful eggs and I will make your death slightly less painful.”
I glanced around the room, hoping for a way out. Yes, it was a wide open space, but there was nothing around I could reach to help free myself. But maybe…if I talked long enough, maybe I could buy myself some time.
“It wasn’t my job,” I started. “My friend…” I huffed out a laugh for dramatics. “Snatch. He found the job. I was just supposed to help him steal the eggs.”
“This man…his name is Snatch?” he looked at me quizzically.
“Yes. It’s his work name.”
“I see. I know another man with very peculiar name. Is American thing?”
“I suppose.”
“So, this Snatch. He ask you to work with him. Where is he?”
He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table as a glint in his eyes shown through the dim light. “You kill this man and steal the treasure.”
“No. He actually tried to kill me. There was a man…another man.”
“Ah, another man. This man, you love him?”
I had to snort in amusement at that. “Love? No. I mean, he stalked me and followed me across the country. I doubt this will ever lead to love.”
“A man’s heart can lead him to do strange and terrible things. In Mother Russia, To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to love and be loved is everything.”
“Um…what’s your point?”
“My point is that it is everything to have and give love. For a man, he will protect his family. He will die for his family. Is the way it always is.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not what this is,” I huffed out a laugh. “It’s more of an obsession.”
“Ah, but all love is obsession. A woman, she can twist the mind and make thinking nearly impossible.”
I gave him a tight smile. I wasn’t sure why he was trying to twist my words. He was going to kill me, after all. What did it matter to him if Nicholas loved me or not?
“Anyway,” I continued. “When Snatch turned on me, Nicholas saved my life.”
“Ah! You see? It is love.”
“No, he’s a protector. He would have done it for anyone.”
“Yes, but it was for you.”
“And it could have been anyone else,” I argued.