Page 19 of Iron Rations
“What’s the worst that could happen, huh?”
Chase glared at me. “How was I supposed to know he would take out his throwing knives?”
“It’s Fox. When does he not use his throwing knives?”
Fox was pacing behind me, muttering to himself. He finally stopped and faced his boss. “Look, I know this looks bad, but boss, you gotta believe me. I thought you were Rafe.”
“And when you found out you hit the wrong man, you decided to do it again,” Rafe retorted. “Are you sure he should be back at work?” Rafe asked Cash.
“You look exactly alike! How was I supposed to know I was throwing a knife at the wrong twin?”
“We don’t look alike,” Cash muttered.
“You totally do. You’re even missing the same chunk of ear. It’s unbelievable!”
“Look on the bright side,” I said, trying to help Fox out. “At least the wounds weren’t life-threatening.”
“No,” Cash nodded. “You’re right. I just have a hole in my body where there wasn’t one five minutes ago.”
“Fifteen minutes,” Fox said, not so helpfully. Cash slowly turned and glared at Fox. “Well, you know, I threw the knife. Then I realized it was the wrong man. I pulled out the knife from your shoulder and turned to throw it at Rafe. Then you yelled at me. Then he yelled at me. Then we came up here and got you gauze for your nose. By the way, a tampon would have worked so much better. Then we sat here watching you watch us for at least ten minutes. Maybe seven. I would have to check the monitors to be sure. So…yeah. Fifteen minutes.”
Silence descended in the room and I shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other. The seconds ticked by as I waited for my boss to say something. Anything. It was killing me to stand in the room just waiting for the yelling to begin. It reminded me of being married to my first wife.
Then I heard a crunch.
We all slowly turned and watched as Fox dug into his bag and pulled out another Funyun, slowly munching on them as if not to make too much noise. The way this man functioned was beyond belief. I didn’t know how he was still alive after all this time with Cash.
“Look, I don’t have the time to sit around here while we wait for you to get in a better mood,” Rafe finally spoke. “And we both know that’s not going to happen. I need your help.”
Cash scoffed beside him.
“I’m serious. I’m getting close and if I don’t?—”
“Yeah, we’ve heard that before,” Cash retorted. “It’s always something with you. You used FNG. You nearly got him killed and didn’t even have the courtesy to tell us what happened. What else are you hiding from us?”
Rafe rolled his eyes. “You always were a drama queen. It’s one job.”
“No,” Cash snapped.
“You’re not even listening?—”
“Because I don’t have to listen. How many times are you going to come into my life and fuck it up?”
“Not much more. When this is over, I’ll be gone.”
I frowned at that. It had a cryptic feel to it, but Cash blew right past it.
“Thank God for that. Do me a favor and make it happen sooner rather than later.”
“I’ve been disrupting the flow of the drugs coming into the country. So far, I’ve stolen five loads of drugs. Huge loads.”
“Nobody cares,” Cash snapped. “We’re done helping you.”
“I already have everything I need to get this next load. Zavala is getting pissed.”
“Still don’t care,” Cash said.
“Who’s Zavala?” I questioned, feeling very out of the loop.