Page 18 of Iron Rations
“I need my Funyuns!” Fox shouted.
I pressed myself against the wall as he rushed through. He was covered in blood, and most of it was dry. I wasn’t sure how he managed to stay covered in that shit for so long without feeling disgusting.
“So, what did I miss?” he asked, coming up behind me as he shoved Funyuns in his mouth.
I grimaced as his blood-soaked hand reached into the bag. He caught the look on my face and frowned.
“Oh, sorry. Did you want some?”
“Your hand is coated in blood,” I pointed out.
He pulled his hand out and looked at it, then wiped it on his shirt. “So, what did Rafe say?”
“Uh…that he needed to talk.”
“Man!” Fox laughed. “That’s a good one. What did Cash say?”
“He punched him in the face.”
Fox tossed his head back and laughed. “That guy, I tell ya, he’s a real character.”
I looked at Chase in confusion, but he just shrugged. “You know him best. Should we stop him?”
“Has he taken Betty out of his pocket?”
“Then we’re good.”
I half-turned to face Fox, needing more to go on, but I still wanted to see the fight. “What does Betty coming out of his pocket mean?”
“That he’s about to lose his shit,” Fox grinned.
“But why? I don’t get the significance.”
“Well, if we were at home, he would put Betty on a box. She’s his good luck charm, so if he takes her out, it means he doesn’t want to worry about losing her.”
“But…couldn’t it be argued that if he takes her out of his pocket, he’s destroying his chances for good luck?”
Fox stared at me blankly. “I don’t follow.”
“Well, let’s say he goes out on a mission and removes Betty from his pocket because he’s going crazy. Wouldn’t he basically be taking all his good luck for the mission and throwing it out the window? Wouldn’t it be better to have it on him in case something goes wrong?”
Fox stared at me, his lower lip trembling before he shoved the bag into my chest. “Boss! Don’t take out Betty! Boss!”
“Great,” Chase muttered. “You’ll give him nightmares for a week.”
“I was just pointing out the obvious.”
“He’s not worth it!” Fox shouted, almost sobbing. “Don’t do it, boss!”
“Should we intervene now?” I asked Chase.
“I’d give it another minute. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Cash sat on the other side of the table with a piece of gauze shoved up his nose. Rafe sat next to him with gauze stuffed up both nostrils, his mouth hanging open, and half his face covered in blooming bruises.
And then there were the matching wounds they were sporting on their left shoulders, thanks to Fox.