Page 37 of Dark Awakening: New World
"A concubine?"
Jasmine grimaced. "Let's stick with the romantic friend when you tell Morelle about me, and a girlfriend when you talk about me with everyone else."
He nodded. "That's a good compromise."
For a long moment, they sat in silence, but then he remembered Jasmine's advice to tell Morelle about his experiences since awakening.
"I wonder what she'll think of this new world," he said. "Will she be as happy as I am at finding that we have a sister on Earth and a community we can belong to?"
"I'm sure she will. Who wouldn't? If she remembers more than you do when she wakes up, she will know how lonely the two of you were, and she will be just as happy as you are for having been found, accepted, and loved."
By the time Jasmine and Ell-rom left Morelle's room, he could barely put one foot in front of the other, but he looked contented. Talking to his sister and sharing with her all that he had learned so far seemed to have been cathartic for him.
"It's been a long day," Jasmine said as she struggled to walk as slowly as Ell-rom.
She imagined just scooping him into her arms and carrying him to bed, but that was a silly thought.
He was skinny, but he was very tall, and he probably was heavier than he looked. Besides, even if she were strong enough to lift him, she wouldn't humiliate him like that.
"It has." Ell-rom smiled. "Thank you for being here and supporting me every step of the way. I can't imagine how much more difficult this would have been without you by my side. I feel so lucky to have you."
"Oh, Ell-rom." Jasmine put her hand over his on the handle. "I'm so glad that I could be here for you, but the credit is not mine alone. Kian and his clan made it possible for me to quit my job and dedicate my time to you. Then there are Bridget, Julian and Gertrude. They moved here from the village so they could take care of you and Morelle."
Jasmine pushed the door open so Ell-rom could get in.
"I'm grateful to all of you." He leaned over his walker. "Would it be too presumptuous of me to invite you to lie down beside me on my bed?"
She wished it meant what it sounded like, but she knew what Ell-rom had in mind, and it wasn't sex. At best, she could hope for another kiss.
"Just for a little bit. The bed is too narrow to accommodate the both of us comfortably, and you need a good night's rest for tomorrow's physical therapy."
Ell-rom sighed. "I hate seeing you sleep in that chair, all contorted and uncomfortable."
The poor guy had been so out of it that he hadn't noticed that she had a sleeping bag stashed under his bed and that she took naps on the floor from time to time to stretch out her aching muscles.
"I have a secret." She leaned down and pulled out the big bag she'd put under his hospital bed. "I don't spend all of my time in the chair. Sometimes I use this to sleep on the floor." She pulled out the compact sleeping bag that had been her companion in Tibet. "It looks small, but it's very warm." She pulled out her rolled-up thin mattress. "And I use this to cushion the floor. I got these things for the trip to Tibet and snuck them in here. Gertrude and Julian know, and I'm pretty sure that Bridget knows as well, but she pretends that she doesn't."
He looked at the camera mounted near the ceiling. "Doesn't she see what's going on in this room whenever she wants?"
"She does, but I put down my sleeping apparatus on the other side of the bed, where the camera can't see me."
"Smart." Ell-rom's expression was part admiration and part guilt. "You don't have to do this. I'm getting better, and I'm not on the verge of death anymore. You don't have to watch me every minute of the day and night. You should sleep somewhere comfortable."
Jasmine felt a lump form in her throat. "I know. But I want to be here."
"Do you have somewhere else you can sleep?"
"I do, but I'll tell you about it when we're in bed. You are tired, and I need to freshen up. Do you need help getting in?"
"I need to use the bathroom first. Are you in a rush, or can I go in? I just need a couple of minutes."
"You can go in."
As she opened the door for Ell-rom and watched him struggle to cross the few feet, Jasmine was tempted to wrap her arm around his middle and help him, but he wouldn't want that, so she forced herself to stand aside and close the door behind him. "I'm right here if you need me."